pregnant • payton moormeier

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"I have no idea how you could carry Jax for 8 months girl," Kier laughed as she held her stomach. yes, her baby bump. Her and Payton decided to start a family 9 months ago but she didn't get pregnant until a month and a half in.
"I have no idea either," I laughed. My phone buzzed to our groupchat so I picked it up off my lap, but not before Jaxton started crying. I started to get up before Kier stopped me.
"Don't worry, I got this," she smiled.
"Kier, you're 8 months pregnant. You can't be walking around like that," I stopped her.
"Y/N, you haven't been on your phone for longer than an hour since you had Jax a month ago, let me handle this. Besides, it prepares me for when this little shit- I mean princess arrives," she quickly corrected herself as I laughed. She walked into Jaxton's room as I picked up my phone.

the hype whores 🦄

payton: so how's my girls

y/n: she's good, taking care of my son right now

chase: y/n i- 😂

jaden: so you aren't taking care of OUR son ?

y/n: did you not see what i said j? i said she's taking care of jax while i take a break. she literally BEGGED me because 'it prepares for baby moormeier' as she said

griffin: okay but like thats cute

payton: one more month 👨‍👩‍👧

chase: honestly i would have never thought that payton and kier would be having a kid before me and charli

kiersten: a case ? i think so your honour

josh: i laughed so hard reading that

sam: kier stop calling charli out lmao

kiersten: i wasn't saMULE

josh: boom

y/n: so i take it he's asleep ?

kiersten: yessir, i sang him la vie en rose and he fell asleep within seconds

payton: kier baby you HAVE to sing our princess la vie en rose

payton: that is literally your song

noen: i still think its a boy guys

y/n: me too

Kier hasn't found out the gender yet, she wanted it to be a surprise, but they had both gender names picked out. If it's a girl, then Charlotte and a boy, Holden or Jonah.

kiersten: i think its a human lolz

chase: me too

chase: honestly its about time payt and kier became parents

chase: ya'll nEVER use protection

payton: okay man whether i hit it raw or not is 0% your business

kiersten: and yes he does

kiersten: like 5% of the time ;)

josh: you guys never bought condoms tho

kiersten: yeah we do, we've only gone through one pack though hehe

"He's awake!" Kier exclaimed as she walked down the hallway with my son balanced on top of her bump. She looks so fit to be a parent already. Not that she wasn't. We used to always talk about being moms together, I know she'll do an amazing job raising it, whether its a boy or girl.
"Awe there's my sunshine," I gushed down at my brown haired boy. My life was so complete. My son, my boyfriend, and my best friend. Speaking of Kier, where was she?

kiersten: um guys?

y/n: yeah

payton: yeah baby?

anthony: yeah ?

jaden: yes?

kiersten: i think my water just broke

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