Dream Team

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The sun goes down to the horizon to break from its light duties, and the two currents moon stood together in the blue night sky on a Friday in New Mushroomton. Around this time, things began to settle down and prep up for the day. Stores were closing, creatures of any kind drove home to their family and have dinner. The Lightfoots family just finished up dinner and begun to get ready for bed.

Ian is upstairs in the bathroom in his PJs, brushing teeth in front of the mirror. With tunes on his phone. The sixteen-year-old elf hummed with the catchy tune. He branches all-around mouth, including his tongue. Then he spits in the sink. The teen's mouth felt minty fresh and clean as he looked his white teeth in the mirror; he loves this feeling.

He then came out of the bathroom to be greeted by his sweet mother, Laurel. "Minty fresh teeth, I see." His mother said, giving his curly blue hair a rub of a lifetime.

"Yeah, minty," Ian replied. His mother kissed him on the check. "Go wish your brother good night." Ian smiled sleepily.

"I will."

"Good night, honey." His mother went to her room, that's just down the hall.

Ian then headed downstairs, where all the lights are off-seeing the darkened the living room and kitchen. The darkness made Ian feel uneasy. He wished he brought his phone or his wizard staff down with him as a light source. He hard all kinds creaking noise here. Then suddenly, the families pet dragon, Blazey, tackling down Ian to the floor, scaring the daylights out of him. Ian yelped a bit.

"Blazey! You scared me, girl!"

Then Barley came bursting out his bedroom in his PJs, bringing light to the living room. Barely knee down to their dragon. "Way to go, noble dragon! You caught a young trespasser lingering dark side of the kingdom!" The older brother exclaimed in his 'quest' voice.

"Yeah, this 'trespasser' is trying to say goodnight to you." Ian chuckled a bit.

"I know." Barely said in his normal voice. He gave his hand to help up, and he did. Ian stood upright.

"I guess Blazey is your official guard dragon now or something?"

"Pretty much. After all, it gets dreadful this time of night of the kingdom." Barley stated as he walked back to his bedroom, Ian and Blazy followed behind to his room. His brother's room had many miscellaneous things in his bedroom/ little kingdom. Barely was reading a fantasy book on his bed call 'Heir Of The Sea,' Ian assumed it about mermaids and kingdoms.

"Well, I believe this where we part ways until the shines on this kingdom once again."

Ian snapped right out his thoughts. "Oh, Yeah. Your right." Ian leaves his bedroom but stays at the entrance to say his goodnights. "Goodnight, Barley, goodnight Blazy. Gard this kingdom with your life, mighty dragon." The little dragon barked in response, seeming to understand.

"Good night, little brother." Barley said. As soon Ian left for bed, the older elf brother saddens a bit and sighs, he's not sure he wanted to go to sleep tonight, he's been having these awful dreams for the last few nights since their what on bringing back dad. The 20-year-old has been doing a decent job hiding how he felt in the mornings this past week from his mother and his little brother.

Blazy saddens as if she senses his fear. Barely pets her on the head to assure her he's fine. "It okay, girl. It's okay."


Hours pass, the whole house is asleep, the neighborhood is sleeping at this time of night. Ian is fast asleep in his warm cozy bed with his staff leaning on his desk. Suddenly, the wizard staff began to glow a soft blue. Ian's body began to lift from the bed, now hovering over the bed. Then Ian startled awake up as he saw he is facing the ceiling.

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