[14] One month to the ball [✔️]

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She was gone.

Vanessa was gone.

The sweet 5 year old, the same little girl who got pissed because she was put in time out that one time for talking, she was no gone.

She died, in Anna's arms.

And all Malachi did was laugh, and tell everyone 2 down 5 to go, what a sick bastard.

She was really gone, Malachi had gotten rid of her body, a few hours ago. Making this all to real. It was like saying goodbye to Beatrix's all over agin, except this time it wasn't Beatrix, but her daughter, the one we swore we'd look after.

We failed her,
We failed both of them.
We failed all of us, and them.

She was 5, and now she'll always stay that way. 

She'll stay a 5 year old, that never got the chance to live life, like she should have.

The same little girl with long dark wavy brown hair, her grey blue eyes that always held excitement, how she could talk someone's ear off, and how she could be so wise for someone so young.

But isn't it better this way? She got out, maybe not alive but she got out. I wish we had all made it out alive, we should have all made it out alive. None of us should be here.

"We have to get out of here. You see what he's doing, he's killing us off one by one for his sick game." Katherine yelled, we were locked in there for 3 weeks and now a few days have passed, Anna says we have to go back to our normal lives tomorrow. By that she means school, we have to go back to school, and play pretend and act like it comes naturally.

I didn't want to go back to school, because that meant facing the fact the we'd never she her again, she loved school, tho she hated maths.

"I know Kat." Anna was heartbroken, she'd lost Trix and she's lost Ness, both of them to his sick game, the mother of his child, then his child. How could someone do that, to their child, and the mother of their child, I'll never understand what has to go though someone's head, to make them this way, where they'd kill us for a game.

A stupid game.

"How are we going to get out of here?" I asked, Hayley and Amy we're asleep, and Malachi was out, doing god knows what, so it was only Katherine, Annabelle and I. "We could run, but he'd find us, and then he'd kill us"

"What about the summers?" Anna whispered "I mean, I am their daughter. Their'd help us right? They have too."

"So what? Run over and tell them, 'oh by the way you know that daughter you had? Yeah her, she been with me for the last 10 years' I don't think so" Katherine muttered, none of us were in a good mood, not after everything that's happened to us.

We're kids, and have been through more then most people ever do.

"No I was thinking more of like"

And then she told us everything. From the conversation she over heard to her plan, and what I needed to do.

"Jennifer!" Mr Smith called "would you please pay attention"

"I am Smith, just not to you" I whispered, witch only got me a glare from Mr Smith, and a small laugh from Gab.

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