Chapter 12 - Mythical creatures.

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     As my new wives came back, I was confused, "you took SD's and went out for shopping, what have you bought" "It will be delivered in fifteen minutes, we came for more Twenty SD's" "Don't ask me, ask father" they just gave a look to father and he gave them without any delay. "Father what does that look mean" "you will know soon". After ten minutes three bats came into the room and hung themselves on the ceiling then came two wolves after that were a few small fairies followed by pixie, gnomes, leprechaun. When I was going to ask a question we heard some noises and shouts of animals outside our house, "come son let me show you the meaning of that look". As we went outside I saw much more mythical and extinct creatures, hippogriff, redcap, troll, Manticore, gargoyle, Basilisk, Imp, pegasus, chimera, centaur, griffin, yeti, sphinx, dragon, and then in a water tank there were Mermaid, Hippocamp, kappa, sea serpent, etc. there were two girls who were working very hard to organize and settling all of these mythical creatures in one place," Kroni I thought these were only mythical, how is it possible that these can be alive. Only devils and souls do exist in hell" "According to human it is right". "But due to a person's wish, which Was granted by me. It became possible for these creatures to stay alive in hell and grow their population in hell" "What was his wish" "his wish was that when these creatures became mythical a warrior from earth should come and take these creatures back to earth. It was so long ago that I had forgotten about it, I think due to that wish I was able to come to you without you calling for me". "Where is he now" "He is in the custody of Angels". "Kroni take me to the Lord"

       We went to the lord and I asked him for a favor My Lord, please give me a way to  Allow you access to have a look or for you to visit Earth " I am making Kroni the manager of the earth" The day when there will be a burning eye on earth it will be claimed as mine" with that I went to the home of hell, Even Kroni and Linda Started packing. Julia and Madaline came inside and showed the creatures out of the room" Why are you all packing" "Because I do not believe that you two will not let my son work even a little bit" "Common tell us the truth, and we are four not two"Hey, I married you two just now and how did we become five, who are the other two". "Oh none, just the pet handler Brielle and the Kaylee" "O M G..... you are dead son" Let's go Kroni before they multiply themselves more" 

       We all seven left the hell and reached earth soon, All the animals were released and told them to hide well. To my utter surprise, the all converted themself into human form and went to see which place they could be comfortable. It was lunchtime when we entered the house. "Jack your two percent of the amount is over which you have taken from your grandparent's account" "At least let me enter Liam" "I knew you would have given me tasks". "Am I that predictable" "yes" everyone shouted at once, even Kroni and Linda. "Okay, what is the reason" "from this point to the city limits in the east, ten hectares in the north and the same in the south, and fifteen hectares in the west. you told me to buy as land as possible so I did".

           In response, I just call mom and told her about the land I have bought for new business and I need the four times the amount from previous, First, she scolded me and then agreed. After lunch, I Met Lucas and told him the plan about candy land, he was surprised but said it is illegal, I just told him to believe in me. A pixie came and sat on my shoulder and said in my ear "Kaylee is calling you" "Lucas just follow me" we reached the place where everyone was standing "Are they real" "Yes Lucas the are, Yes Kaylee" This land is small for everyone in their true form" I apologized for not informing her and told her the new territory, everyone came to their original form and went in search of the place,

              A Griffin came down the same moment and said " In the west, there is a big dam after two hectares in length and the start of ocean after another eight-hectare in west" "it's all our land and ocean from here to fifteen hectares in west so be free and help the waterians till there" "What are you doing Kaylee" "Nothing husband just gave them some freedom, they have only heard about earth and it's freedom in their life as a tale. So I gave the freedom of living" "Won't they run away". "Not a chance and who is this person standing behind you staring as if he has never seen a griffin or any other person here". I made their introduction and chatted some more then Kaylee started describing what she needed him to do.

     Lucas and Willam were just remarkable, They worked so hard for the whole year that it felt like magic. Within a whole year, they had converted the land into a garden. My fortress and the houses for all the creatures were complete, now they were going to start the work on candy land. We were nursing our wine out on the patio we heard the news about President making a special announcement that will change the future of everybody.

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