Chapter Eight

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"Sir!" V called "Mr Scott!"

They had arrived in Birmingham in time to grab one of the best camping grounds, but too late to get into a hotel. This was the biggest market within three days walk and the last in the area before winter made travel much more dangerous. The hotels were booked up by all the eager visiting shoppers, while the traders, more careful of spending their profits, were happy to wait on the edge of town. Particularly those with a cargo of drones to accommodate.

V didn't mind being out in the open air for one last night. Once she had spoken with her employers about Leon, she was heading into town to feel out Ryan about his plans for the winter. The market didn't begin until the next day and Isaac and Frank were going to stand guard at the camp while she completed her little excursion.

"How many times V! Call me Tom." He called back from where he was unloading drones from the rear gate of Kerry's truck. He waved her over. "What's wrong Brute?"

V didn't reply until she was close enough to speak privately. "It's about Leon. He travelled up in the cab with me, Frank and Isaac, and I swear he spoke. We all heard him."

Tom frowned at her. "Are you sure? What did he say?"

"'Shut up'." Great first words.

"Just out of the blue? Are you certain he wasn't echoing?" Tom asked sceptically.

V didn't know what that was. "Echoing, Sir?"

"Repeating what someone else said?"

"Oh. Well, yeah. He was repeating Frank's words, but I didn't think drones could talk at all?" In fact, V was certain they couldn't.

Tom visibly relaxed. "It happens, especially with the young ones. Repeating and echoing sounds they hear. You did right to tell me, but I'm sure we're all right with Leon. He hasn't shown any other signs of being human or bonded, but we'll keep a closer eye just to be sure." He clapped her on the back.

"If I remember right, you have some free time this afternoon. Go out, have fun. We'll guard the fort."

"Yes, thanks. I'll see you later."

As she walked away, unmistakably dismissed, V wasn't sure whether she was reassured or not. Tom was the professional, and he didn't seem concerned, but V had never heard of a drone who could form words.

At least Leon wasn't due to go up for auction at this market, if she stayed with the convoy she could keep an eye on him. And if not, she'd at least make sure that Isaac and Frank would.

V's sense of disquiet refused to settle as she entered the town. Ever since Isaac had witnessed her standoff with Harry, the boys had been fussy about letting her go anywhere alone. It had driven V to the brink of insanity, so she was little put out that she was now feeling exposed without them.

She'd walked alone through towns like this hundreds of times and managed to keep herself standing. But today, with the thought of setting out on her own again on her mind, there were echoes of ghosts around her. Her mother's gentle presence, the mischievous Frank and Lily and the gang, Luke's loyalty, Alex's determination, then the long lonely years of running.

V had always been self reliant but she had been learning to revel in it. To take each day as it came and celebrate every bit of work, food and shelter she won. It had felt like each minute she existed she was gaining a victory over Alex and his minions.

But now she could feel that equilibrium slipping away from her. New ghosts wanted to join the pack; Isaac who kept secrets and tried to hide his good heart behind ridiculous banter. Frank, a grown up Frank, who took his responsibilities seriously and stood by his friends.

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