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Alrighty everyone so here is my next story. This will start during Captain America: The First Avenger during the scene where Bucky saves Steve from the dude in the alley and I plan on continuing it throughout as many Avenger movies as possible.

I plan on writing chapters for Captain America:The Winter Soldier, Avengers, Avengers:Age of Ultron, Captain America:Civil War, Avengers:Infinity War and finally, Avengers:Endgame.

I will follow the movies fairly closely with a few changes, obviously. I do not plan on making this an x reader where Y/N ends up in a romantic relationship with just one member. All relationships in this will be platonic.

There will also be some mentions of abuse later on in the story and I will put a warning at teh beginning of teh chapter just in case you would like to skip it.

Finally I just want to say that I am deeply excited to write this story and I will try to ask for your guys' input as often as I can while still sticking to the story line that I want to.

That is all and I thank you for taking the time to read this story. I will talk later my loves.

Stronger Together  (Avengers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now