Chapter 1

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Steve's POV:

"War continues to ravage Europe. But help is on the way. Every able-bodied young man is lining up to serve his country. Even little Timmy is doing his part collecting scrap metal. Nice work, Timmy!"

Steve was currently sitting in a theater watching a commercial about the war before the movie started. Then some loud jerk interrupts with,

"Who cares? Play the movie already!" Yelled some Jerk.

"Hey, you wanna show some respect?" Steve replied quietly.

The commercial continued and he finally thought the man was finished.

"Meanwhile, overseas, our brave boys are showing the Axis powers that the price freedom is never too high."

"Let's go! Get on with it! Hey, just start the cartoon!" Interrupted the rude man loudly.

"Hey buddy, you wanna shut up?!" Steve yelled at the man.

Big mistake.The man then stood up towering over him.

"Together with Allied forces, we'll face any threat, no matter the size."
~Out in the alley~

"You just don't know when to give up, do you?" The man replied punching Steve.

"I can do this all day." Steve replied and readied himself to attack again

Y/N's POV:

You were just passing by an alley with James Buchanan Barnes (or Bucky as everyone else called him. You prefer to call him James.)

You were currently talking with him about how Steve would handle himself while you two were off to war.

" Little Stevie is going to get into so many fights while we're gone James. I'm actually starting to feel guilty about leaving him."

" Don't worry doll. I think he'll handle himself just fine. Well he will after we give him some steroids of course." James responded jokingly while wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You, him, and Steve were extremely close. You thought of them as brothers and they thought of you as their sister.

Steve was such a handful. You and James were constantly having to save him from fights.

You were just a bit shorter than James. Maybe by an inch or two. But you still were taller than Steve. You looked small but you were skilled in hand-to-hand combat and your aim was rivaled by no man. Which is why they had allowed you to become a Sargent. You had beaten every man at every test.

You then glanced down an alley as you and James were walking past. You had heard a commotion. You tapped James on the shoulder,

"James, speak of the devil. What has Stevie done now?"

James just looked at you and sighed. You two were always saving Steve from people as he tended to get into things he shouldn't as a man as small as he is. You looked at James.

"Isn't it my turn, James dear, to beat up the bully."

"Y/N, no. It's my turn" He replied.

"Together then?" You tried to compromise.

He grinned at you, "Sure doll."

You and James then walked into the alley side by side. James yelled,

"Hey! Pick on someone your own size."

He then proceeded to dodge a punch from the man and in return punched him the face. You then kicked him with your foot as hard as you can down the alley. The man stumbled away.James then turned to Steve.

"Sometimes, I think you like getting punched."

" I second that. Seriously Stevie you need to stop doing this." You said walking over to Steve and checking him over for injuries.

He had a few cuts but otherwise looked okay. You then put your arm around his shoulders and he put his noodle of an arm around your waist. You stayed like this. Steve said,

"I had him on the ropes."

James then noticed a piece of paper on the ground. He showed it to you and you shook your head.

"How many times is this?"

James read it over. He looked at you and gave you an exasperated look,  like 'I can't believe this guy'

"Oh, you're from Paramus now? You know it's illegal to lie on the enlistment form. And seriously, Jersey?" You looked down at Steve and gave him disapproving look.

Steve ignored the question and asked a question directed to both of you.

"Have you guys gotten your orders?"

You were about to answer when James answered for you.

"The one-o-seventh for both of us. Sergeants James Barnes and Y/N L/N. Shipping out for England first thing tomorrow. I can't believe they let us be co-Sargents doll. We lucked out on that one."

You pretended to be annoyed, " I just can't get away from no matter how hard I try, can I Barnes?"He grinned at you.

"Not a chance doll, you're stuck with me." Steve took his arm from around your waist and you took your arm from around his shoulders after giving him a little squeeze. Steve looked between you and James and said,

"I should be going."

You replied, "Come on, Stevie. Our last night! Gotta get you cleaned up."

"Why? Where are we going?"Steve questioned.

You and James looked at each other and replied at the same time.

"The future."


A/N- First chapter done! The reason that you call Bucky by his first name will be revealed later on as there is a reason. Anyway I hope that you enjoyed it. I'll talk to later, my loves.

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