I never meant to hurt you

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Single again ayeee! I broke up with her, she wanted to go too fast .-. I'm fine though. I see Pierce the veil in less than a week too!!!! That reminds me, I won't be updating next week because I will be out of town. I promise I won't forget to update the week after though. I'll be in Vegas, because that's where I'm going to see Pierce the veil ^~^ Anyway, on with the story! I love you all :*


After about maybe ten minutes of me panicking and sobbing, Mike found me and helped me calm down. Mike also kept telling me that it wasn't my fault that Paige killed herself, but I knew better. If Paige hadn't seen Lisa kiss me, Paige wouldn't have been upset, and if I hadn't yelled at her and grabbed her arm, she wouldn't have killed herself.

The love of my life ended her own life because of me.

Mike ended up calling the other guys, to let them know that he found me. When Jaime and Tony arrived, they both started asking if I was okay, but I zoned out. I didn't want to think about anything, I just wanted to sleep, but I wasn't even free from my thoughts while I was sleeping.

The guys finally realized that I wasn't going to answer, so they just left me to myself while they started getting there stuff. We had a three day break in San Diego. For me, that was three days of anxiety and torture.

The other guys seemed to have grieved faster than I did, except Jaime, and it surprised me. I was the only one who seemed to hurt over her death, I know I wasn't, but it seemed that way. Sally, she seemed to be more pissed off at me than sad about Paige's death, and Jordan? Her and I never really talked, so I didn't know how she had been handling it.

After a couple minutes, I stood up and grabbed my backpack, Mike had put all my things in it, thanks Mike. I finally decided to answer Jaime's and Tony's main question.

"Yes, Tony, Jaime, I'm fine." I said to my friends.

"Are you sure? You just had a huge mental breakdown..." Jaime trailed off.

"No, I just miss Paige so fucking much, and being back in San Diego, well it isn't helping." I said as I laughed nervously.

"I'm sorry man, why don't we go out for a while and visit places around here that we've never been to?" Jaime suggested.

"Yeah, let's do that. We haven't hung out in a long time, Hime." I said smiling.

"Good, we're gonna have a shit load of fun!" Jaime said, smiling ear to ear.


When Jaime and I finally went out, we decided to go to the oldest library in that area, because why the fuck not? We also were walking pretty slow and I wanted to talk to Jaime about Paige, He would know what to say to make me feel better.

"Jaime," I said, loud enough for only him to hear.

"Yeah, what is it bro?" Jaime asked, sounding mildly concerned.

"I need to talk to you about Paige... You were the only one who knew her like I did..." I trailed off. "I feel, so fucking guilty about her death Jaime... Sally keeps telling people that she didn't leave a note, but she did. I have it, but I didn't show it to anyone because I didn't want you guys to blame me for her suicide..." I said, holding back tears the whole time I was talking.

"Please don't feel guilty..." Jaime said softly. "At all.. She loved you, I fucking promise... You shouldn't feel guilty..." Jaime said to me.

"But why? It's my fault! She said so in her note..." I trailed off.

"Don't feel guilty! Lets just go to the library, okay? There's someone I want you to meet..."

"Okay..." I mumbled.


When Jaime and I got to the library, Jaime had me sit out front, he said he would go get the person he wanted me to meet. I felt someone's eyes on me, and I felt myself start shaking a bit. I then realized that anxiety was bubbling up inside me. I looked up and saw a girl with long brunette hair turn around real fast.

I stood up and tapped on the girl's shoulder.

The girl turned around and looked into my eyes. Her eyes were bright blue and her features looked all too familiar.

I stumbled back a bit and bit my lip. It couldn't be, she died, almost thirteen years before. I held back tears as my body started shaking some, it couldn't. It couldn't. It couldn't. I was biting my lip so hard I broke the skin and felt blood in my mouth.

I was becoming light headed as the woman and I kept staring at each other.



*Hides behind Vic* Please don't kill me! I know, it's a cliffhanger and I won't be updating next week, but I'm sorry! I'm want to update next week, but I don't want to update late and on Sunday, I won't have wifi 90% of the day. I love you all :*

It Was All For You, All For You And More [Vic Fuentes Book Two]Where stories live. Discover now