十 forever

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he knew that it was coming, so why was he still so heartbroken? (Y/N) passed away not a day after the surgery.

how long had passed by since that day? oikawa tooru spent days, no, maybe weeks? he had lost count. it seemed like anything that mattered suddenly lost its value. with (Y/N), oikawa's joy was also taken.

the funeral happened a couple days ago. he remembered standing there, seeing all his teammates and classmates, all dressed in the somber rain. when it was his time to speak, he simply wept. wept that she was taken from the earth too soon. wept for his broken heart. wept for her pain and struggles, all in vain.

iwaizumi tried his damndest to get oikawa out of bed. anything to soothe his best friend. but nothing seemed to work. the most he could make him do was visit her grave.

oikawa knelt before the freshly built headstone, tears dripping onto the ground. "h-hey (Y/N)." his voice quivered and his legs shook after not being in use for so long.

"i uh- i don't know how to say this. sorry. you were always there for me, even when i was a pain in the ass. i truly loved- no, i truly love you. and i hope that in heaven, you can hear me right now. i-"

oikawa's voice broke out as he sobbed in sobriety. he clutched his chest and wished for it to stop feeling, because the pain that he felt was incomparable to anything he had ever felt before. "(Y/N), i love you. and i'll never stop. because you are my angel, the light in my life. and- and..." he fell silent again.

"and it hurts. so much. but i know that you want me to be happy, so i'm trying my best for you. i know that i'll see you again someday, (Y/N). but this is my goodbye for now. i love you."

with that, oikawa left a few pieces of candy, as well as a final note. he lay down the fragments of their time together, and a reminder of their love.

forever and ever, i will be by your side
i love you, (L/N) (Y/N)

yours, oikawa tooru

sweeter than life [t.oikawa] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now