Italy x reader: home again

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Italy (feliciano) x reader

You were sitting on your couch watching (your fav. show /not hetalia), when you heard a know upon your door. 'Who could that be?' You thought.

"Open up, bella! I'm home!" You heard from outside. It's Feli! You opened the door and was pulled into a big hug. "Oh, (y/n) I missed you!" Feliciano cried, squeezing you even tighter.

*flashback thingy*
You and Feli were best friends. He started to live with you after Germany kicked him out. About two months ago he had to go away and travel around doing "county buisness." It was private so he couldn't tell you what he had to do. You have always had feelings for Feliciano, but been to shy to confess. 'He probably has feelings for another girl.' You always thought.

*end flashback thingy*

"Feli, I'm so glad your home! Let's have pasta and watch a movie tonight!" You suggested, still hugging feliciano.

Feli pulled away from the hug, and opened his eyes. "I'd love to, bella." You instantly blushed like mad. This was the first time you had ever seen him open his eyes.

"You go get the pasta started. Don't worry about you bags, I'll get them." You said. Feli smiled at you and ran into the kitchen.

*timeskip to after when you out his bags away*

You just put feli's bag away in his room and silently snuck into the kitchen. He was prancing around the kitchen stirring food her and there. At the same time he was singing.

"Draw a circle that's the earth! Draw a circle that's the earth! Draw a circle that's the earth! I'm Hetalia. Ahh, you can see the magnificent world with just one stroke! Toast, with a big boot! Hetalia!" As soon as he finished his song he turned around and saw you leaning against the wall, smiling.

The blood rushed to his face. "The pastas done!" He held up a huge bowl of pasta. Sticking out of it was two forks.

You laughed. "Awesome! Let's go get the movie started!" You walked into the living room followed by Feli. Both plopping down on the couch at the same time. You clicked the TV on. (Your fav. movie) started to play.

"Ah, bella, I love this movie!" Feli said as the movie started to play. You smiled and started to dig into the big bowl of pasta.


You and Feliciano finished the pasta. Your eyes were starting to close and all of the sudden you found yourself laying on Feli's lap. You quickly jumped up and out of his lap. "I'm so sorry Feli! I didn't mean t-"

Feli silenced you with a kiss. Slowly he wrapped his arms around your waist, and pulled you closer. When you two broke apart for air Feli said, "I don't mind, (y/n). I love you."

"Ti amo." You said blushing.

"Ti amo, bella." Feli replied.

((An: ti amo means I love you in Italian))

Hetalia x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now