Chapter 1

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Those damned lips.

So plump and full. The prettiest shade of natural pink. Those lips were moving, but only in slow motion to him. Sometimes they'd open wide enough to see just the tip of a tongue teasingly peek through perfect white teeth. With every word spoken, he daydreamed more and more about those lips.

They belonged to Park Jimin. And the daydreamer, Min Yoongi.

He leaned against the counter, cheek resting in his hand with what he was trying to play off as a blank expression on his face. But in reality, there was a hunger growing in his very core. A hunger to taste those luscious lips and see just what kinds of sounds he can make them produce.

"Uh, manager-nim?" Did you get that?" Jimin said politely. He looked at the older boy expectedly waiting for a response. When he didn't get one he walked closer to Yoongi and leaned over in front of him, staring at his face. "Manager-nim?"

Yoongi had been so focused on Jimin's lips he hadn't heard a word he said. He shook his head and stood up. "Uh, mind is elsewhere today." He breathed in deeply and left out an even heavier sigh, placing his hands on the small of his back.

"Is everything okay?" Jimin asked tilting his head to the side and giving a slightly worried pout. The expression left Yoongi weak and wanting to take the boy into his arms to fill those sulky lips with his own. He licked his own lips while staring just a bit too long at Jimin, causing the other to arch an eyebrow in wonder. He blinked his beautiful brown eyes, the ones Yoongi felt anyone could get lost into and cause anyone to fall in love with the younger. His lips parted as he took a breath and he lightly bit the edge of his bottom lip.

'Fucking Christ this boy is going to kill me' he thought, turning away from him to hide the bulge that started in his pants. "Yes. Sorry," he said at last. The manager was thankful when the bell hanging from the entrance door chimed as a customer walked in.

An averaged height woman sauntered into the store, her breasts bouncing with each clacking heeled step she took. She reached the counter and leaned over it so her cleavage was clearly visible. She flashed Jimin a pearly flirtatious smile, flipping brown locks over her shoulder.

Yoongi rested an elbow on the counter and crossed his feet interested in seeing how his new sexy employee would handle the situation. The woman was what you would call attractive to most and the older knew she would be hard for him to resist temptation. But Jimin simply stood there and gave what Yoongi could tell was a fake smile.

"Hello. What can I get for you today?" Jimin stood patiently waiting for the woman's response. Her eyes scanned the menu boards as she "hmmmed" and "ummmed."It seemed as if she was just wasting time as she squished her breasts together tightly, hoping her cleavage would spark a curiosity in the employee in front of her. When it didn't she upped her game.

"What do you recommend, handsome?" The woman winked and leaned on the counter, kicking up a heel. Her breasts were so tightly squashed together they were more flat than round.

Jimin still didn't bite the bait and answered simply. "All of the items are really good, though I personally like the Candy Blast. It's ice cream mixed with your choice of up to three types of candy bits added in."

The woman clapped her hands together and practically squealed. The manager stifles a laugh, amused that someone could act so ditzy for a man's attention. "That sounds amazing! I'll have one of those!" She tells Jimin her choice of ice cream and candies. As he turned around to make her order, Yoongi watches as she eyes up Jimin like she's the hunter and him the prey.

Jimin asks if she would like to add whipped cream and of course she had to make it EXTRA whipped cream. He finishes her order and turns around to see her provocatively bent across the counter once more. There's still no reaction from him and she clearly becomes annoyed. "Your total comes to $3.50," Jimin says as he slides her order across the counter and punches the buttons on the cash register.

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