Chapter 2

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Yoongi gave Jimin a big grin after hearing he would agree to have him take the boy home. He was over the moon being able to spend extra time with him.

"Alright. Let me just grab my things from the back." He took the keys from his pocket and handed them to the younger, making it a point to brush their fingers together. The manager could have been mistaken, but he could have sworn he saw a hint of pink flush into his cheeks. He hesitated a moment before speaking. "Could you lock up in the back please?"

Jimin nodded and headed into the back as Yoongi sighed heavily. Jimin didn't have to do much to make his heart beat faster. Just looking at the boy was enough to make him feel as if his head was floating in the clouds. It wasn't just those juicy lips, but his sparkling eyes, his gorgeous face, his fluffy pink hair like cotton candy, and that lean, but muscular body.

Yoongi walked to his small office. He put his documents into his bag and headed back out the door when he thought about the poor boy covered in ice cream. He made his way towards the little kitchen and storage area where Jimin had been locking up the coolers. Unfortunately the manager had to make it a point of locking things up after he had come in one morning and found several tubs of ice cream missing. He still wasn't sure how it happened.

The older boy found a towel in one of the drawers and went to the sink to dampen it. When Jimin came from the back cooler, Yoongi held up the towel. "Here. At least get the ice cream off your face."

He began to gently wipe the boy's eyes where his chocolate coated pink bangs started to stick to his forehead. He removed the ice cream from his cheeks and nose, and stopped as he near his lips.

Jimin stared at him for a moment dumbfounded. There was a flicker of emotion in his eyes that Yoongi couldn't read. After realizing what he did, the manager quickly handed him the towel. "Uh, sorry. I didn't mean..." his voice trailed off as he saw the smile appear on Jimin's face.

"No, thank you! You're a very caring manager. I'm so glad I decided to work here and that you hired me!" His grin was so big that his eyes formed into the cutest little lines. Yoongi was taken aback by his beauty once again. His smile didn't meet just his eyes, it lit up his whole face.

"'re welcome," Yoongi finally said after a moment. "Should we get going?" Jimin nodded and held his hand out to give his manager back the keys. Jimin brushed his fingers across Yoongi's palm. It wasn't a mistake. Yoongi knew that. Did Jimin have a thing for him or was he simply teasing or testing him?

Yoongi tried to keep on his best poker face, but he knew his reddened cheeks would give him away. He turned away quickly to leave, the boy walking behind him with a smirk on his face he didn't know about.

A few minutes later they arrived at Yoongi's car. He pressed the unlock button on the keychain, the car's lights flashing to alert him it had opened. He stood by his door and took a deep breath before getting in. Jimin was buckling himself in as he said "Thanks for giving me a ride home. But don't you live on the other side of town?"

His manager in fact was a half hour commute in the opposite direction. It was much out of his way, but he wasn't going to tell Jimin that. "It's fine. It's not too far. At least I'd know you got home."

Jimin just hummed a response. They were both quiet for some time and the heavy awkwardness that hung in the air became suffocating. Yoongi wasn't sure what to talk about, but he didn't want this opportunity to be spent not getting to talk to the boy.

"Uh, is the temperature okay? Are you too cold, too hot?" He was looking out the window as the city lights flashed by against the darkness of the night. It almost seemed as if something was bothering him, but Yoongi wouldn't press the boy about it.

"It's a little chilly, but that's just me." Yoongi turned the heat up a bit more to warm him up. "Thanks," was all Jimin said. The echoing quiet returned for some time before it was Jimin who spoke. "Manager-nim. What will happen to that woman?"

Yoongi put his blinker on, turning right where Jimin had pointed his finger. "Well, I gave the security officer a brief rundown of the incident. I told him to follow up with any questions, but that I had to leave to make sure you were okay." He paused for a minute than continued. "She of course will be banned from the shop. I will inform the other employees to not let her in. Other than that, I'm not sure what will become of the situation. But don't worry, she won't be back to bother you again. I promise."

"I'm not too worried about that part. I trust you." Yoongi's heart skipped a beat hearing Jimin's words that he trusted him. But he quickly tried to calm himself down so not to show any emotion. "But manager-nim..."

"Yoongi. You can call me Yoongi." He was sure the boy wouldn't call him by his name, but he decided to throw the offer out there.

"" Thankfully the older had a red light to stop at. He closed his eyes and collected himself. That sound. The way his name rolled of the boy's tongue like sweetness, spoken from his lips in a singsong like voice. "Yoongi-hyung" he said again. Yoongi rested his elbow on the door and used his palm to cover his mouth. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath silently. "Yoongi-hyung."

The way he said his name in a deeper almost seductive voice caused Yoongi to groan. A fire started inside him to lean over and kiss the boy. To kiss the mouth that called his name in the most lovely and sexy way. "Hyung. Are you okay? The light is green."

Yoongi shook his head and stepped off the break onto the gas pedal a little too sharply. "Oh, sorry," he said. He drew in another deep breath and tried to focus his attention on the road. Jimin was about to say something when they suddenly heard an odd noise and the car began to rumble. "Shit. Don't tell me..." Yoongi put his blinker on and pulled off to the shoulder. "Stay here a second." The older boy got out of the car to check. He was back not even a few seconds later.

"Flat tire?" Jimin asked. Yoongi nodded and grabbed his cell phone. "Do you have a spare? I'll help change it." The older shook his head as he dialed a number and put his phone to his ear.

"No need. I'll have my friend come with a new one. He normally has some on hand." He took a few minutes to speak on the phone, sounding awfully cheerful. Jimin watched as he conversed happily, a big smile on his face. He was quite beautiful when he decided to smile, but for some reason he always seemed so somber. Jimin wondered how someone so caring could be so distant. "He'll be here soon. I caught him just in time" Yoongi said making the boy jump.

"Oh. Okay. Good. I'm sorry about all this. None of this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't taken me home. I caused you a lot of trouble today," he said sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. He looked down at his lap where he nervously had his other hand clenched.

"No. None of what happened today was your fault, Jimin. So please don't say that. Things happen." Jimin looked to the boy slightly surprised. His eyes looked big and shining, with his mochi cheeks and pouty lips. Yoongi wanted to kiss him so badly, but knew he would never be able to. He looked away out of the window again, fixing his gaze on the car's passing by.

"Yoongi hyung," Jimin said breaking the silence. The older boy closed his eyes and took a sharp breath. The younger took notice and looked at him with his head slightly tilted. Yoongi hummed in response, still staring out the window. "Do you not like me?"

His words caused his manager to turn back around to stare at him. "Of course not. Why would you think that?" Jimin picked at his fingers in his lap, not meeting the boy's face. He spoke in a slightly quite and nervous tone.

"You told me to call you Yoongi-hyung, but you get weird when I do. You're quiet and distant around me and at work you seem to ignore me when I'm speaking to you. Am I a bother to you? Do you hate me?" He finally looked up and his expression made Yoongi's heart sink. He eyes were full of sadness as he bit at his lower lip. He looked so beautiful yet so heartbreaking at the same time.

'I wish I could take you in my arms right now,' Yoongi thought. But instead he placed a hand on top of the boy's head and smiled. "Of course I don't hate you, Jimin. I'm sorry if I seem that way. It's just my personality to seem aloof. You haven't done anything wrong. Please don't worry."

Without realizing it, his hand was cupping Jimin's soft warm cheek. The younger closed his eyes and nuzzled against Yoongi's hand. His heartbeat began racing, cheeks flooded with heat as he watched the younger who was practically purring, rubbing against his hand like the sweetest kitten.

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