Q & A 11

254 11 0

From: Nekophy_Alternative
To: Joker
Question: Are you still immortal?

Joker: wha?

Luna: Lemme break the fourth wall

Luna: In the manga, Hideyasu Takahashi (the creator) thought of making Joker immortal

Luna: But it was dropped when Spade was introduced

Luna: So or the first few chapters, Joker was canonically immortal

Luna: *tapes the fourth wall back together*

Joker: Well, I don't know if I'm still immortal

Luna: Let's test it out

Luna, with a gun in his hand: heads up

Joker: No!

Joker: *jumps out*

Luna: :/

Gabriel: quick question, was Phoenix in the manga?

Gabriel: Cuz I downloaded the manga at MangaZone!, and I read through the whole series, but didn't saw Phoenix in it

Gabriel: Send me an manga reading/downloading app that is complete with the series

Gabriel: And please send me an app where I could watch the full episodes of Kaitou Joker season 3 and 4

Gabriel: I haven't watched 3 or 4 and it's been tiring having to research for the plot of each episode and am having to read it on fandom.com

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