My Hero

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It's been a year since the end of the war. Ben didn't die, and Reylo never existed. You were Queen of the first order and switched when he did. Now you live in the Falcon, which Chewie and Rey gave to you. And now you're a mover from planet to planet, hiding from bounty hunters, sent to find you both by the New Republic.

The sun was not up yet as I walked onto the roof of the Falcon, looking for Ben. He was sitting on top, with his legs dangling off the edge, staring at the fading stars.

"Can't sleep?" I asked sitting next to him. Ben didn't respond. I looked over at him and something inside me started to break. His eyes looked so hollow I felt like I could look in them and get lost for hours, but I could still see that everything he had done as Kylo Ren was playing through his head on an endless loop, Haunting him. "Hey Ben look at me." I said as he obeyed and turned his head to look at me. "The past is dead. Kylo is dead. All that matters is the future."

"How do you just forget? To this day, I'm still haunted by what I've done. By the monster I am." He whispered looking at something in his hand. "How can you sit there and look at me as another person, anything other than a monster?" He asked looking up, his cheeks were stained with tears. "How do you still love me?"

"You talk like you're the only one who served the darkness. Like you were the only monster, and I don't forget. I ignore, until I can't, then I fall apart." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. "And everytime that happens, you somehow manage to put me back together." I whispered as he smiled a sad smile. He met my eyes for a second then looked down again. I looked down and saw what he had been staring at before. It was the two golden cases and chain that his father hung in the Falcon cockpit. I sighed and took it from his hand. I wrapped it around his neck and used the force to turn one of the chain links to a clasp. He looked at me slightly confused.

"Y/N, why did....." He started to say before I cut him off.

"This is not a reminder of what you were, but of who you are. Ben Solo betrayed the darkness, killin Kylo Ren, letting the past die, and nearly got killed. Not to mention saving the light within you, the galaxy would have been so lost to an unbreakable darkness, forever." By the looks in his eyes, he was clinging to my words like a drowning man to a rope. "You saved the galaxy, you saved me from the undead sith, and you saved me from myself."I said leaning forward so our foreheads were pressed together. "You're my hero.' I said barely loud enough for him to hear. He kissed me after the word left me mouth, like I was oxygen and he was deprived of it. My one hand was cupping his cheek while the other was tangled in his hair. Both his arms were wrapped around my waist. He leaned back for a moment whispering my name, as I was lost in his chocolate eyes. I kissed him, and we stayed like that, our lips only parting for air only when necessary, until dawn began to creep over the distant mountains. We broke apart and I rested my head against his shoulder while we watched the sunrise to a new future. Better than I could ever have dreamed.

The End.

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