View of the City

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I ran as fast as I could, my feet pounding on the dirt. I could hear the sound of the storm troopers behind me. The only reason they had any interest in me was because I was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It wasn't my fault that rebel fanatics started shooting. I had pulled my blaster, which was dumb because it's illegal to have an unregistered weapon, but I panicked and pulled it out anyways. But I think the troopers that are now chasing me, mistaking me for a rebel. It didn't really matter to me. I was used to being chased by people who could gun me down and have to answer no one for it.

"Hey you stop!" one shouted while the other shot. He missed terribly.

"Man, storm troopers are such bad shots", I thought, snickering, running down the next alley. I saw a window about 30 feet up, impossible to get too for a normal person, but not for a Force user. I jumped up so I was across from the window, the alley was probably 10 feet across, and I sprung towards it, using a force blast to sutter it, and flew over the shattered glass. I hit the ground with a roll and quickly started to run to the stairs that would lead to the roof. If I could get up there, I could vanish into the shadows, as I always did when things started to blow up.

Kylo's POV

I had been listening to some captain babble about the attack when I felt it. I did not know what the force was leading me here until I felt the small change in the air.

"Another force user." I whispered under my breath. I raised my hand and started walking in the direction of the pull.

I had stopped running.

My mistake.

My pursuers call out for me to stop.

Their mistake.

I jumped again, this time over all their head. One shot at me but missed.

'Who in the blazes taught them to shoot? Because they can't." I thought, shaking my head before pulling out my pulse saber from it's sheats from my side. The electric blade hummed my hands as I sent one of the troopers head rolling and speared the other through the chest within moments of my landing.

I felt, more than heard, the presence of someone behind me, I spun around and froze when I saw who it was.

Kylo Ren. Supreme leader of the first order.....

I had never actually seen him since he ditched the mask, and he looked nothing like anyone would have expected, and that fact alone caught me off guard.

Long wavy black hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin that gleamed in the strange light which is green due to my planet's moons. The only thing that made him seem like he was a sith was the long scar that started above his left eyebrow and continued down and across his face and neck.

"Who are you?" He asked, he didn't even acknowledge the dead troopers all around us.

"No one of importance." I said as I held my fizzling saber at my side, not aggressively, but just as a reminder that I was armed.

"I asked you a question. Now answer!" He said, turning on his dark red lightsaber. "" I met his eyes and held my head high, no one would make me bow while I was still breathing.

"Well my name's Y/N, but I know that's not what you meant. I'm just a girl stuck in this scum hole trying to survive with only her wits and a gift that can also be a curse, depending on the day and the people I run into." I said as he just glared at me, then swung his light saber. I blocked it with my pulser, then spun underneath and jumped out of immediate range. I tell by the strength in his blow I could not overpower him by strength alone, and if I tried, I would be screwed. He spun and attacked again. We fought for a while, how long? I don't know, I was too focused on surviving the next strike coming my way. Then out of nowhere, anger started to boil in my veins.

What have I ever done? Beside killing a few storm troopers, but there are plenty of them. I was no threat to his power, and if I didn't get out of here soon. I'd be dead, and we both knew it. The anger built into rage that I was unable to understand, coming from nowhere and giving me power I had no hope of containing. Before I had thought through what I was doing, I attacked him. Shortest fight of all time, because my pulsar shattered at his saber like it was glass. My rage escaped in a scream and I flung out my hand, and with the power I didn't know I had, sent him flying back into the wall by the door leading into the building. He didn't fall on his face like I hoped, but landed on his feet, and using the force, trapped me where I was. Fear replaced the rage. He is going to kill me. He didn't. Instead he simply deactivated his lightsaber, released me from his grip, a smile of curiosity on his face.

"Your power is untrained, so I'm willing to guess you are self-taught". Kylo says, now standing in front of me.

"No one to teach me." I replied, very unsure as to whether or not I was about to die.

He must have sensed my fear, because he said, "I was testing our skill. Why would I kill someone when it could be helpful? You said you wanted off this planet, and I don't blame you for that. So here is my offer: join me, help me rule this galaxy, and I'll teach you. In the First Order, you won't be a freak of nature, but a gifted creature to be feared and obeyed."

I didn't know how to respond. Not only was he not going to kill me, but was offering me more power than I could even imagine. Everything I wanted. To not be looked at like an animal that belonged in a cage, but as a leader and a person of power.

"Want to think about it for a moment, go ahead. But while you do, show me the best view in this city."

I had already made up my mind, but I did know of a good view and smiled at the thought that he would care.

"Follow me." I said before taking off as fast as I could.

He kept my pace easily, never falling behind, never slowing when I jumped to another roof, even if it was a 40 foot distance.

We reached the edge of the city and I took him up a tall, abandoned guard tower overlooking the city. We stood in silence, admiring the view. The lights of the night covered city almost looked like the stars of far away systems. It was beautiful.

"Imagine if all those lights were systems, and they were all yours?" Kylo suddenly whispered.

I thought he was just thinking out loud. Then I turned and saw he was looking at me.

"Well, they all are practical already yours, so why do you imagine?" I asked.

"I was asking you, and don't deny that you don't want that." he responded, the lights playing in his brown eyes.

"I never did. And I had an answer within a second of you asking, you just cut me off." I replied, with a bit of sass. His lips twitched up like a bit of a smile, and I wish I could ignore the way that made me feel.

"So," he said

"Yes. but I will serve anyone. And you will treat me as an equal." I said, meeting his eyes with a smile of my own.

He smiled fully now, and extended a gloved hand in my direction, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

The End

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