to the three

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To all of our surprises, Liv seemed to have unpacked all her things and said goodbye to her family at lightning speed. After a quick round of introductions, our little group trekked across the wet grass to the dining hall.

On the way there I talked with Liv some more. She's just as lively and sweet as she was through text, I have a feeling she'll be my partner as we both navigate our first and last years at Hacienda together. By the time the boys and I arrived at my room, not only was she completely moved in, but she was moved in. Peach-like essential oils were wafting from a diffuser on her desk. Fairy lights, a furry beanbag chair, and a tapestry were hung beautifully in her corner of the room, bringing my side of the room to shame. I didn't think too much into decorating, we did try to coordinate on colors, though - gray and blue - but I leaned more so into the gray. I've made it my mission to make up my side in my own way. 

I feel that this already tells a lot about our characters; Liv, already, seems comfortable and like she has her shit together, while I never stop moving or stay in one place. My side of the room looks like I could gather everything I needed to run away and leave without any evidence I'd even been there in the first place. I think we'll complement each other nicely.

The dining hall isn't anything special, just rows of tables and a buffet-style assembly line, the usual. It was packed though, actually, the energy in the room was off the charts. Many different groups of friends were reuniting all around us as we waited in line for our food, got what looked the most edible, and sat down at a table in the very corner of the room. As we walked, the boys dapped up a good amount of people. They seem to be well-liked.

Luke sits down with his tray first. "Okay, newbies. It's time to give you the rundown."

"For what?" Liv asks. "Not poisoning ourselves?"

"No, for the daygers!" Luke says a little too loud, throwing his hands in the air. They come crashing back down onto the table in fists. "Our first meeting of the school year is now in session!"

"Before we start discussing what's on the agenda, your honor, I'd like to save one of our own from imminent danger," Calum states. Before Luke can reply, he leans across the table to Liv and me, "You actually don't want to eat the salad here, it goes straight through you." He sits back with a wink.

"Good eye, brother Hood!" Luke claps and laughs. Ashton hangs and shakes his head with a soft smile on his face. Before we could continue, Michael strolls over with his arm around a pretty girl, who I assume to be Crystal.

"Brothers Hemmings, Irwin, and Hood," He nods in their direction as Crystal giggles. "Pledges, this is sister Leigh. Sister, Pledges Sophie and Liv."

"Hi, girlies! I can't tell you how excited I am that you're pledging!" She sits down between us. "I've been in desperate need of estrogen," she whispers, widening her eyes as we smile at her, "Seriously."

The boys overhear and erupt into fake-sounding hurt remarks, sending all of us into a group laugh while Luke desperately tries to get us back on track."

"Order!" Luke pounds the table a couple more times until we finally fall silent. "Okay, the first and only order of business in front of the pledges is this; a fool's guide to the Hacienda dayger. Brought to you by the 5 Seconds of Summer secret society."

"What on earth are you saying?" I speak up for the first time, trying to get a grasp onto what cult I'd been abducted into.

"Objection overturned, pledge," Luke says before continuing, trying not to laugh at my mouth hanging open, but failing, "Tip number ONE - every dayger is BYOB. NEVER show up empty-handed." 

Everyone nods and "mhms" at that. Liv and I look at each other, both of us smiling. We turn back to look at Luke determinedly.

"Tip number TWO - If you don't like gin and juice, you do now. It's all you can have. If you have anything else, you'll be laughed out of school."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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