5 | Your Heart is Best Broken

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Katsuki Bakugou

Putting this candidly, the constant sounds and motions visible from the corner of my eye of Todoroki shuffling all of his crap into our dorm curls my fingers into my palms. Of course, I'm not dense enough to comment on just how vexing it is because even I'm fully cognizant that he can't help but inevitably generate the noises that are irking me to hell and back. Besides, I'll be in his shoes at some point this week, and I have a hunch that the falsely tumultuous rattling I'm hearing now will be a pebble skipping along concrete compared to what I can deduce will be my onslaught of meteors pummeling the surface of the world. Oh, and it's also my own decision to stay in our dorm while he's moving his stuff.

Why the hell am I giving him clemency like this? I have to ask myself for a moment while watching Todoroki bend down to place a box on the floor by his bed. He doesn't deserve shit. How many times do I gotta tell myself this to ascertain my own beliefs?

Once I've had my fill of straining my eyes on the lucent screen of my phone, I throw my head back onto my pillow with a soft thud. There are still three hours remaining until the impending party, but time feels as if it's a devious rat scurrying up towards me to close in the gap between us; its mangy, matted fur is lightly caked in a grimy layer of watered-down dirt. I know it will always be there, lingering in the recesses of darkness where the light cannot reach, but sometimes I wonder if its piqued curiosity in me will dissipate. Regardless, it continues to gnaw its way through the air separating us until it finally sinks its teeth into my flesh and infects me with its abominable contagions.

"Hey, since you're already annoying the hell out of me—" Well, shit. Wasn't I just thinking that I'm not dense enough to... Dammit— "I'll show you the real way to get things done around here." I lift my head up to meet Todoroki's unsightly, exanimate eyes.

Shaking his head, he replies, "I would prefer if you didn't. Again, I do apologize for generating a disturbance in the moving of my belongings. Might I suggest you stay elsewhere for the time being?" I thought his voice had been void of emotion when I heard him for the first time in years, but damn was I wrong.

Tch. I hate that you're right. I acknowledge that. Hell, I did from the start! So why did I not just go somewhere else? God!

"Guess so," I murmur, flinging myself off of my bed and landing in a crouched position on the floor. "Means I won't have to see your face." Briskly walking out the door with my key in my pocket, I decide to make myself something to eat.

As fate would have it—although, I'm not sure whether this is a serendipitous or inauspicious occurrence yet—Kirishima and Kaminari are staring with bemused, yet enthralled expressions at a small plume of dark gray smoke hissing up from a frying pan on the stove in the kitchen.

I swear that every time I see one of you idiots, something bad is happening! Do I hafta babysit you idiots so you don't burn the damn building down?

"What do you two think you're doing?" I groan, approaching the smoking pan with tight lips and a steaming forehead. "The hell was this supposed to be?" Sucking in a hasty breath, I subdue the idea of releasing it yet.

Peering down into the mutilated pan through the geyser of smoke being upwardly wafted, the remnants of whatever might have been inside is burned—charred is more like it—beyond belief. It almost looks like two rocks and a stick were tossed into oil and flour and set ablaze in the pan to produce the atrocity of what Kirishima and Kaminari refer to as their 'attempt at making lunch.'

Kirishima gingerly rubs the back of his head and smiles sheepishly. "Y'know, thought I'd give it a shot! Kami dared me to make pancakes and bacon—"

I cut Kirishima off while disposing of the pitiable disaster practically infused into the pan—also known as attempting to chip off the rock-hard substances clinging onto the pan and resorting to simply tossing the hopeless pan into the trash. "For lunch?"

In My Memories | Suicidal Villain Todoroki x Depressed BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now