chapter 4

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A/N- Hiiiiii!!! :) I feel like I'm pretty annoying in these author's notes, but I'll try not to be :P I think I like this chapter... but I'm not sure. I think I switched up Ashton and Luke's personalities in this chapter, but oh well. I also realized I use '...' more than I should and I places it doesn't even fit. I should probably work on that... Hope you enjoy this chapter. BYE!!! :)


Ashton's POV:

 Luke and I stared at each other for what felt like forever before he finally spoke up.

"So... I guess we should start looking for a movie, yeah?" he said still staring at me.

I nodded my head and crawled over to the stack of DVDs in the TV cabinet that the flat screen was sitting on. Michael's family must have a lot of money. As I began searching through the movies, Luke came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and hooked his chin over my shoulder. I gasped quietly and tensed up at the somewhat intimate position. 

Luke must have noticed how I tensed up because he lifted his head and started to unwrap his arms, but I put my hands over his feeling oddly confident with him. "No, you don't have to move," I whispered quietly. "That was just unexpected."

"Alright," Luke says and wraps his arms back around me tighter. I will admit... I liked this position a lot. It felt better than when Michael hugged me, but I would never do this with anyone else. I know it wouldn't be the same as with Luke.

"So do you see movies you like?" Luke asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

I scanned the DVDs again. The only ones that sparked my interest were: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Annabelle, Men in Black (Will Smith is amazing), The Fault In Our Stars, Mean Girls, and The Amazing Spider-Man 2. I pulled those out and Luke looked at my choices laughing a little when he saw Mean Girls.

"I love Mean Girls," he said still laughing. "But I say we watch Annabelle. I would love to see how scared everyone gets."

I bit my lip. I didn't really want to watch Annabelle. I knew I'd probably end up scared or crying. I just picked it out in case he didn't like any of the other choices. Also because the plastic was still on this movie and I didn't want Michael and Calum to have to watch something they've seen a million times.

I guess I must have tensed up again because Luke let go of me and crawled in front of me instead. "We don't have to watch that though. Don't be scared to speak up bab- um... Ash. Do you want to watch something else?" He asked but I could barely focus on the question. All I could think about was the fact that Luke had almost called me 'babe' or 'baby' and it made my heart flutter.

I slowly shook my head feeling a sudden wave of confidence once again. "No no. We can still watch it... but, you have to let me cuddle with you if I get scared," I let out before I can think about what I'm saying. Luke and I both blushed furiously, but then Luke nodded his head with a small smirk gracing his features.

"Alright. Hope this movie scares you to death, Ashy. I love cuddles," he said still smirking. I blushed even more if that was even possible at that point.

Luke began putting the films back in the cabinet and I made my way over to the couch. Once Luke was done putting the DVDs back, he joined me on the couch and sat down pretty close to me, our thighs touching. But that could've been because mine were too big anyway. I should probably stop eating so much.

"So... tell me more about yourself, Ashton," Luke said giving me a friendly smile. I bit my lip.

"What do you want to know?" Luke thought for a moment.

"What do you like to do in your free time?" He asked smiling shyly this time.

I like to make angry red marks all over my skin. It's the only thing I'm good at, I thought.

"Well... I-I like to pl-play the drums sometimes. I can also play g-guitar and sing a little," I told Luke, my confidence draining because I'm having to talk about myself. "What about you?"

Luke bit his lip and thought for a moment, playing with the sleeve of his jacket that was about two sized too big. "Ummm... I don't know really. I'm not really good at anything anyway," he said, looking down at his lap. The whole time he's been here, I haven't seen him this shy.

I acted upon instinct and wrapped an arm around his waist, noticing how he was still fidgeting with the sleeve of his jacket. I hoped he wasn't doing it for the same reason I thought he was...

"Come on, Lukey. I'm sure you're good at something you like to do," I say without a stutter. I realized I only talk like that with more confidence around Luke. This boy must have some sort of affect on me.

Luke bit his lip again, chewing on his lip ring. "Well, I like to play guitar and sing sometimes. I'm not that great at it, but I do that whenever I have time," he then said blushing a bit. It was adorable. Luke then continued talking. "I've always dreamed of starting a band one day as well, but I probably wouldn't get anywhere in life doing that."

"I believe in you, Lukey. Maybe someday you'll let me hear you sing, right?" I asked feeling hopeful. Luke smiled and nodded.

"But only if you let me hear you sometime as well. I bet you're great," Luke told me with a more confident smile this time. I nodded back giving him a brighter smile than I've given anyone in years.

Luke made me feel... like I mattered. I don't know what it was about him. He made me feel confident and happy. I haven't been this happy in a long time. Maybe it's his interest in me, or it could just be his whole shy yet friendly personality, but I already knew, even in the few hours that I've known him, I wanted him to stay in my life for a long time.


It had been about ten minutes since Michael and Calum left, though it felt like longer. The closest store they could've gotten snacks at was about 15 minutes away, so Luke and I still had about 20 minutes to waste until they got here.

I looked over to Luke and noticed him curled up in the corner of the couch with his head on the armrest and his arms wrapped around his long, skinny legs. It was then that I remembered it was his first day here. He not doubt had a hard time making his way around that gigantic hell hole that they call a school. Not to mention he probably had to do some unpacking as well as far as finding clothes and such. He must be extremely exhausted.

"Take a nap Luke. They won't be back for about another 20 minutes. I'll wake you up when they get here," I told him and rubbed his leg.

Luke sat up and gave me a tired nod. "I know that we don't know each other well yet, and you can say no if you're not okay with this, but umm... Can we cuddle, please?" He asked with a slight pout on his lips.

I nodded. Luke has made me really happy in the short amount of time that I've known him. I might as well make him happy as well with cuddles since apparently he loves them.

I laid down on the couch and opened my arms for Luke to crawl into. After he laid down, I wrapped my arms around his tiny waist and he put his head on my chest.

"Thank you, Ashton," he whispered, drifting off to sleep.

I just nodded my head even though he was almost asleep and probably didn't even notice.

I rubbed my hands up and down Luke's sides until I felt him relax and his breathing evened out. Then, a realization hit me:

I have a massive crush on an adorable boy i only just met a few hours ago...

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