chapter 8

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A/N- Okayyyyyy.... So this was only 627 words... But I haven't updated this in a while and no one even reads this, but I felt like I should. Is it any good. I kind of abruptly ended it :P For anyone who actually reads and enjoys this... the next chapter will be better. Enjoy this stupidly short chapter tehe :)


Ashton's POV:

When I woke up, I noticed the only person left in bed was Luke, but he was awake also. His fingers were running through my hair and my head was laid on his chest. It was really comfortable and I nearly fell back asleep, but I knew I had to get up. There was a lot of explaining to do.

But then, Luke started talking. "Oh Ashton. You are so brave. I can't believe half the things you had to go through today. Like, I know my life is bad, but that was just horrible. I probably would've just... killed myself by now if I to go through the same things you do. I'm so sorry. And I know you can't hear me because you're asleep, but I also have a really serious crush on you. Like, we've only known eachother for about a day and a half, but you are so special to me already.

"And thank you for asking Michael to talk to me about the scars you saw. Though you pribably don't even know he's talked to me. of course you don't know. You were alseep when it happened. I'm so stupid. And now I'm rambling to someone who can't even hear me. Oh my god I'm so weird. I should probably shut up before I wake you up anyw-"

"Lukey," I decided now was the best time to let him know I was awake before I started laughing at his little rambling moment at the end.

"Ashton," he whispered, sounding somewhat scared. "How much of that did you hear?"

"All of it. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been listening." Should I tell him? I think I should tell him... I'm gonna tell him...

"But... If it makes you feel better... I kind of like you too. Even though we have only known eachother for a day and a half," I told him, trying not to freak out.

Luke's face broke out in a smile. "Really? You really do? Your not just saying that because you don't want me to feel bad are you?" he asked, becoming more and more worried.

I shook my head furiously. "No! No of course not! I... I um really do like you, Luke," I said nervously trying not to start stuttering.

Luke nodded shyly and blushed a deep shade of red. "Should we do anything about it yet... i kind of haven't had my first kiss yet," he admitted in a shy voice.

I smiled at him. "No. We don't have to act upon it so soon. I haven't had my first kiss yet either," I admitted as well. Everytime I'm around Luke, I feel more... confident. So, I decided to kiss him on the cheek. His blush grew darker.

"Thank you," he whispered. I only nodded.

Then Michael and Calum came walking in the room, holding hands.

"Hey Ashy. You're awake," Calum said, a sad smile on his face. "Michael already explained to Luke and I what happened. He figured it would be best not to worry you about it. You've been through enough."

"Thank you," I said to Michael, a grateful smile on my face. I really didn't want to talk about it.

Michael just gave me a sympathetic smile back and wrapped his arms around Calum's waist, guiding them both over to the bed.

We all laid on the bed together for a while before Michael spoke up again.

"Well guys, now that all the drama is over with, what should we do the rest of the day?" he asked.

"Maybe we could just walk around. Go to a park and be childish for a while," Calum suggested.

"Okay... yeah let's do that. Great idea Calum," Michael told him. "Alright. Lets go."


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