The Sun and its flower

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Tino and I didn't even make it to the door before our lips were stuck together and his hands were roaming one another. My back hit the front door and Tino groaned before picking me up and opening the door in one fluid motion.

My head was spinning. I wasn't sure what was happening but I felt his arousal pressed against me. My body felt hot, my shaft was growing to a painful length, and my lips were bruising from how hard we were kissing. But, I didn't want it to stop.

"Solare?" I gasped as his lips fell to my neck. "What— what are you doing?"

Tino gripped my thighs harder and pulled me away from the wall. He didn't answer as he walked up the stairs but every step made our shafts rub together and it was driving me nuts. When we finally reached reached the top, he answered. "You're so innocent, Fiore," he said and then our lips were pushed back together. I didn't quite understand but kissed him back with just as much intensity as he was giving.

Tino began pushing at my shirt and I pulled away from him with a frown only to have my shirt ripped over my head. Immediately he was glued back to me, lips just as desperate as before. My brain grew foggy as my fingers worked on the buttons on his shirt. I pushed the thin material off of his shoulders and then groaned when Tino threw it over his head and cupped both of my cheeks to kiss me harder.

My body felt light yet heavy. I wanted him closer yet I felt like I was suffocating. My arousal was running rampant and I could feel Tino's pushing into me as well. This was it. The moment I had been waiting for.

"Upstairs," I groaned against his lips. He was quick to pick me up and practically ran up the stairs with our lips never parting. We stumbled into a few walls, clothes were thrown hazardously around, but we managed to make it to his room with only a headache from how many walls he slammed me into.

Tino laid us back on the bed with only our boxers left, his lips now wandering down my neck. I moaned and wrapped my legs around his hips to get leverage to push my own into his. "You look so beautiful, fiore," he moaned against my collar bone. "Your skin is so soft."

"Not the best thing to say to a man but alright," I panted. His hand slowly made its way to the waistband of my underwear before slowly pushing its way inside. I moaned and squeezed my eyes shut, not knowing what else to do. His hands were like feathers brushing across my skin and it drove me crazy.

Tino began to stroke me lazily, his mouth leaving butterfly kisses all over my chest and neck. I finally decided to stop laying there like a board and pushed my fingers into his hair. His hand squeezed around me and I moaned louder. "Are we...?" I panted not being able to finish. How do you ask if you're going all the way? What string of words would sound the best?

"Are we finally going to fuck? Yes," he said simply before going down further to take my shaft into his mouth. I blushed all the way up to my ears from his crude words but embarrassment was quickly overshadowed by pleasure.

"Tino," I whined as I gripped his hair tighter. My hips pushed up against him and he groaned back in response. His mouth was always its own heaven— warm, soft, and so full of damn talent. I always found myself watching him as he worked. Those beautiful eyelashes fanned across his tanned cheeks, his perfect lips turning pink as the slid across me, and the way I could see the pleasure he felt. He was the most beautiful man alive.

"Hurry up," I demanded finally. Just watching him was driving me close to an orgasm. He seemed to think it was funny as he chuckled and set his chin down on my hip so he could look up at me.

"Someone is very bossy today," he teased as he slowly licked across his fingers. "Almost like the virgin Fiore wants his petals plucked."

"You're a bull," I groaned in embarrassment.

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