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Hi fellow Earthlings!!
Enjoy!! :)


“Are you awake?”

“Yes, I am,” I reply. I cannot get a wink of sleep and it is already 2AM in the morning.

I am antsy and excited about my date/sleepover this evening at Timi’s place.

My brain keeps on formulating how various conversations will play out.

Moreover, I can’t stop the shit eating grin on my face and the very random chuckles. I guess Maama can hear all this since we share the same bed.

“How was school?”

“School was fine,” I answer this with a smile, reminiscing the moment I had with Timi. It gives me the feels. 

“How is the divorce issue going?” I ask turning towards her.

“The lawyer promised to help speed up the process as fast as possible since my ground for divorce is pretty solid,” she assures with a hint of a smile on her face.

“However I have to pay certain fees and I might need you to testify against your father in the court.”

“Maama, I’m more than glad to do that and I’ll definitely be available,” I reply happily.

I can’t wait to see Maama out of her shackled relationship with father. It is time.

“So have you talked to that boy?” she asks coyly, resting her elbow on her pillow with a big smile on her face.

My face heats up as I smile sheepishly.

“Yes Maama, I did,” I answer, holding my fluffy pillow close as I clear my throat.

“Timi is courting me officially Maama,” I drop out of the blues, it is a shock to myself.

“What??!!” Maama screams, reaching out to hug me. Her citrusy smell encloses me and I feel her maternal love for me.

I am so lucky to have her with me in that moment so I hug her in return, a bit tighter though.

“I’m so proud of you,” she mumbles in my bonnet covered hair.

“I hope you grow better with your newfound relationship with him, my love,” she says, now staring at me, her eyes twinkling with unshed tears.

“You know you should invite him over sometime,” she suggests, “Don’t you think?”

“I don’t know Maama, we are just starting so that will probably be later,” I answer, pulling my sweater close as I can feel the bone chilling cold.

Maama shivers from the cold too.

“We should definitely get some sleep,” she says with a little laugh.

“Goodnight Maama.”

“Goodnight Jade.”


My astonishment cannot be concealed when I see my reflection in the mirror.

Adisa has worked her magic on my face transforming it from ‘the girl next door’ to ‘hot super model’.

I simply look beautiful, I reflect, patting my cheek and batting my lashes in different poses for the camera. My sundress and sandal heels compliments the flawless look.

“Go get him bitch!” Adisa screams, waving her mascara brush like a wand.

“I feel all sort of jittery,” I say, nervously wringing my hands together.

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