Chapter 1

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---Y/N's POV---
"Y/N, please behave. This is your last chance." My Eomma says for the thousandth time.
"Eomma I'll behave!" I say.
This is the last school in Seoul that would take me.

I'm not badly behaved, but if someone personally attacks me, I get angry.
I've been kicked out of school countless times, mainly for fighting. I guess you could say that I find it hard to control my anger.

My ex boyfriend started it all. He cheated on me with the queenka of my old school, we had a physical fight.
From then on, I started to enjoy fighting. I've never lost a fight.
My Eomma wasn't happy when she found out I was fighting.
I've been to many different schools across Seoul.
This is the last school that will accept me.

Seoul School Of Performing Arts.

You have to be "talented" to join the school. I sang in my audition. Singing is probably the only thing I'm good at.
Nobody had ever heard my voice before.

"Y/N! You better leave now or you'll be late!" My Eomma says as she kisses me on the forehead and pushes me out the door.
I get in my car and drive to school.

---Jungkook's POV---
"Hey! Stob it!" I hear Jin hyung shout to Jimin hyung.
"Have you guys heard?" Namjoon hyung says. "There's a new student."

A new student? Hopefully it's not a girl. I keep away from them.
They tend to try anything to get my attention. I don't see the point. I'm waiting for someone special.
If this new student is a girl, I guarantee she'll be just like the others.

We'll have to see...

*bell rings*
Time for class...

---Y/N's POV---
As I enter the school gates, I get a lot of stares. One guy even whistled at me. Strange people...

The bell rings and I try to find my class. I wasn't looking where I was going and accidentally bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" I look up and see a boy smiling at me.
"I'm fine." I say. I go to walk away but the boy grabs my wrist.
"Are you the new student?" He asks and I nod.
He sticks his hand out. "Kim Taehyung."
I shake his hand and give him a smile. "Kim Y/N."

I feel like I could trust him.
After my ex cheated, I started to find it very hard to trust guys.
Maybe that'll change?

Taehyung motions for me to follow him.
"We're in biology together!" He says. "You'll meet my friends in there."
I wonder what they're like...

"Sorry I'm late." I say as I enter the classroom. "I couldn't find the class."

"Ah, you must be Y/N. Please take a seat next to Jungkook." The teacher says and points towards a boy with black hair.
Well he's cute...
No, Y/N! Don't be silly!

He was staring right at me.
I take my seat. I take a quick glance at the boy, he was still staring.

I stare back at him. "You want a picture?"
He looks at me with wide eyes.

After what felt like forever, the boy speaks. "Jeon Jungkook."
I nod and pay attention to the teacher.

---Jungkook's POV--
A girl walks into biology with V hyung. Who is she? Is she the new student?
She's beautiful.
I've never seen anyone like her.
Ugh, don't be stupid!

My ex left me. She was my first love. It broke my heart. I've avoided girls ever since. I don't have trust issues or anything, I just prefer to keep to myself.

The teacher sat the new student next to me. I was smiling like crazy on the inside.
I want to get to know Y/N. I don't want to avoid her.

Her voice breaks the silence. "You want a picture?"
I must've zoned out. I bet I look like a creep.
I look at her with wide eyes. No girl has ever spoken to me like that before.

I have a feeling she isn't like any other girl.

---Y/N's POV---
Taehyung invited me to sit with him and his friends at lunch.
I felt kinda excited. I've made a friend on my first day!

I was walking down the hall, deep in thought. Suddenly, a girl bumps into me. I turn around and see her giving me a smirk.
"Watch where you're walking." I shout.
She approves me. "What did you say, bitch?"

Y/N...Stay calm...
The girl pushes me up against the lockers. "Stay away from my oppa."
Who the fuck does she think she is?
Her oppa? Is she serious?
Who's her "oppa"?
I laugh in her face and shove her, causing her to slip.
She looks at me furiously. "You'll regret this."
I laugh and walk off.
What a crazy bitch!

I head into the lunch hall and see Taehyung sitting with his friends. He motions for me to come over.
As I'm walking towards them, the same girl from earlier puts her good out.
This bitch want a punch?

Instead of stepping over her foot, I stood on her foot.
That'll teach her.
"Oopsie. Watch where you put your foot!" I say before walking off, towards Taehyung.

As I get to the table, the boys look at me with shocked faces.
Is this where Jungkook gets it from?

"What?" I ask them. "Your friend, Jungkook, was doing this earlier. It's freaky." I say before taking a seat next to Taehyung.
"Y/N. Nobody's ever stood up to Eunji like that." Taehyung says.

"Why did you fight with her?" A boy with silver hair asks. "Park Jimin, by the way."

I look at him for a moment. "Y/N. I was fighting with her because she told me to stay away from her oppa?"

"She's obsessed with V hyung." Jungkook says.
"Who's V?" I ask and everyone points to Taehyung.

"They call me V. It's my nickname. You're more than welcome to call me V, unless you can think of a better name?" Taehyung says.

I think for a moment. "I like Tae."
Everyone laughs.

We spent the rest of lunch getting to know each other. The boys introduced themselves and we all exchanged numbers.

"Hey Y/N, wanna hang out with us tonight. It's Friday today so I think we should throw a party! My parents are on a business trip." Suga says.

I think I've made some good friends...

Hello everyone!
I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please let me know in the comments if I should continue this story.

Don't forget to vote! <3

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