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Emma knew it. She knew he was gonna die first or then during he kept going with his goal and she did nothing because he trusted Jacob, in his ability of surviving and fighting. She couldn't not feel guilty. One of the solution in these cases is a good ice-cream. The family went to the ice-cream shop. The sisters sat down while their parents ordered an ice-cream pan.

<<Do you know, I wanted to take Jacob's favorite taste, but then I noticed I don't know it, I never asked him>> Erica asked to Emma.

<<Me neither>>.

<<There are so many things I don't know about him. Could you tell me something?>>.

<<I'm sorry. Not now, this isn't the right atmosphere>>.

<<Ok. Later?>>.


<<I'm really sorry>> June (an employee of the ice-cream shop and a Jacob's friend) said to the parents.

<<Thanks, June>> Christina said.

<<I was his friend, do you know that?>>.

<<Yeah, he always said you're so kind with him>>. Jason answered.

<<He was too>>.

<<We never talked. You should have dinner with us once>> Christina suggested.

<<Should I? Well, I think you're really busy know with this event>>.

<<Yeah, we are. But we need to do it first or then. Surely Jacob would wanted it. He also'd wanted you to his funeral>>.


<<Who are those boys>> Jason asked.

2 boys were filming them.

The family went out.

<<WHO ARE YOU?>> Christina asked.

<<Hey, guys. We're here with the Tremblay family. Mrs, how to giving birth the Green Arrow was?>>.

<<Excuse me?>>.

<<Ehi, you. Stop now>> a bum was just came out from an alley:<<That isn't fear>>.

<<Who are you?>> one of the boys asked.

<<My name's Larry and I'm a Jacob's friend>>.

<<Interesting! From how much time did you know him?>>.

<<I'll answer to nothing. I'll tell you just this: it isn't fear. You can't ask questions pretending they'll answer to you. They have to be ready and this event happened just 2 days ago so they're still mourning. So you could ask them a smart question: are they ready for this>>.

<<You're right. I'm sorry. We aren't going to be back>>.

<<What?>> the other guy asked.

<<Let's go>> and they got far.

<<These boys. Jacob was maturer then them>> Larry said.

<<Can I ask you how did you know Jacob?>> Jason said.

<<He never talked about me? I live in the of the city. 3 years ago he was in a limousine passing for there. The limusine peeled a tyre. They had to stop. While his agents were calling a wrecking and you, his parents, he was getting bored. He began to talk with me. He was my only friends after I musted leave my house>>.

<<Yeah. I remember that day. You're invited to his funeral, if you want>> Christina said.

<<It'll be an honor for me. If I can ask you, when did you figure out his secret>>.

<<They figured it out 2 days ago: Jacob off his hood before made pierce himself>> Emma said:<<But I figured it out about 3 months ago>>.

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