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The funeral ended from a pair of hours. Christina and Jason talked.

<<What will we do know?>> she asked.

<<I don't know if you'll like what I'm gonna tell you>>.

<<Tell me>>.

<<I need a break. I haven't already processed it>>.

<<Honey, just 9 days passed. It's normal>>.

<<Yeah but.  Someone gave me this advice and I'll follow it>>.

<<Do what you need to do. I'll wait for you here>>.


Emma was in his room. Someone knocked.

<<Who's there?>>.

<<Can I come inside?>> Erica asked.

<<Of course>>.

She entered:<<I need to tell you something>>.


<<I peeked in the Jacob stuffes>>.


<<I said you>>.

<<Oh, yeah. You wanted to figure out more things about him>>.

<<Yeah, and I found this>> she showed a briefcase with a letter on with written "for Emma".

<<Can I read it alone?>>.

<<Yeah>> Erica went outside.

"Hi, Emma

If you're reading this, it means that it happened. I can't know how or when, but it did. I wrote this letter after I defeated Jhon Dambroung because you made me think about my dead during my mission. Don't be angry with yourself. It isn't your fault. But don't be angry with me neither. I just wanna say that you're strong. You'll overcome this. You must go on and live your life at safe. But every now and then think about me, ok? Keep doing my birthdays and my onomastics, even without me. You're really creative, I trust you. Returning serious, you can't fall down. Keep living, keep running. You're the most courage, you can do this more than anyone in our family.

Don't forget about me

Your little brother, Jacob.

P.S. I made a reserve suit in the case mine broke. I think you should keep it".

THE TREMBLAY FAMILY AND THE DC ADVENTUREDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora