Chapter 1

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Amy walked into her apartment, then quickly rushed to her room. She didn't want John to know she was home. Even though her father and her didn't have the best relationship, she didn't want to hurt his feeling. After all he was all she had left. She sat on her bed with her head in her hands. She reviewed the bad day she had. First after John refused to drive her to school, she mumble an insult under her breath. Then, she was walking to school with her fresh black eye, she had a drinking cup throw at her from a passing car. No doubt that it was from the school's 'mean girl' group. She spent most of her day hiding, the bad people were everywhere. She was never safe.

Amy was sobbing in the bathroom, after a girl in biology said she was uglier than the frog the were cutting up. She knew it was true as she rolled on bathroom floor hugging her knees. Suddenly the bathroom door swung open. A boy walked in, he was tall about 6 and a half feet. His hair was boldly blond. His eyes were the color of the sea after a storm. He was clearly kissed by the sea and sky. Amy realized that his name was unknown to her, she thought she knew every students name. She spent all her school time looking though the year book. She took a closer look and saw the his beauty wasn't what she saw a second ago. Now he wore glasses with dark strait hair. His green eyes shocked the world. Now he was kissed by the woods. He look at Amy in awe, but recoiled after he realized that he was in the girls bathroom. Amy quickly pushed back her tears, happy that she doesn't wear make up, as the boy was about to say something. "Oh sorry, um, I thought this was the boys room.", the boy said. Amy broke her stare looking down on the floor, ignoring him.

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