A Crush?

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Breeza's heart began to pound... She couldn't believe what she was seeing. This new captain was a sight to behold indeed. He had long, luscious, and well put together silver hair. He had the face of an angel too, with almost catlike aquamarine eyes. Breeza stood there for a few seconds in stunned silence before Makoto pushed her over to him. "General Sephiroth would like a word with you, miss." The majestic name sent shivers up Breeza's spine and caused her to be lightly dusted with pink in the face. "Your Majesty, it's a pleasure to meet you," Sephiroth spoke and took Breeza's hand, kissing it lightly. This gesture made Breeza giggle and flutter her eyelashes, blushing a bit darker now. Andromeda, however, was not having any of it, sniffing the new captain's shoe and growling. "Whoa....feisty." Sephiroth purred and gave a little smirk towards Breeza, causing the deer to scream out "BAD!" "Oh come on, Andromeda! He's not bad, he's just bigger than you that's all." Breeza was right, he was rather tall and imposing, especially to a small deer creature like Andromeda. "Madame, there's no need to worry, I've dealt with deer all the time on my many journeys." Sephiroth smiled and looked at Breeza, reaching down to pet Andromeda. "Umm...I wouldn't touch her if I were you. It's for your own good." Sephiroth pulled his hand back "My apologies. I didn't know." Breeza smiled warmly "Oh it's quite alright. I have royal duties to attend to. It was a pleasure to meet you and I hope to see you again." "I hope to see you again too." Sephiroth bowed and Breeza gave a small curtsy, eventually parting ways. 

That night, Breeza was laying in her bed with Andromeda in her usual spot. "I think he was quite handsome, don't you think?" Andromeda scoffed and rolled over. "I can only dream that he thinks the same of me... But knowing his charms, he probably is already spoken for." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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