here's an x reader sample

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Y/N L/N Was in the digital world searching for her C/D As She Didn't have anything else to do at the moment as she look around with her e/c/e here as her h/c/h was down in it's normal h/l and once she found a f/c/d/e she decided to pick it up and when it did a N/B/D was Born Out Of It As she decided to name F/F/N than smile at it and took care of it too but overall the two decided to walk together through the digital forest here 

As F/F/N told y/n that she's her D/P 

As well as her C/D as well too here so they walked but just as when they did the h/d who was now their new enemy as F/F/N Digivolved To N/L/F/D And Started Attacking H/D as the New Enemy fell to the ground temporarily as the two cheered but soon got cut off when H/D Started Attacking Again And Now F/F/N Even Y/N Started Running Again Until they fell down almost to where shellmon is as the two finally met B/F/N And when they did let's just say that the two just got along with each other so well and the same goes for the two Digimon here too

As F/F/N Her C/D Decided to Give y/n a N/N And Called Her S/S here than y/n decided to give F/F/N  a nickname as well as she decided to call her F/N/N Too and from there everyone spent a good time with one and another here as everyone knew that a nice friendship between the four will grow beautifully too

A/N: Please Don't Steal This
And Claim it As Yours Cuz This is My Own Hardwork
Here As it took Me a while
To think of this up too
As This Is My Own Work
From Quotev That I'm using
As An Example Here So Please
Don't Steal My Hardwork Here Otherwise i won't be on Talking term with you and don't avoid or ignore this
Please read it first before anything and I will prove it to you anytime you want proof that it's actually mine and I can guarantee you that it is
💯% it is

Another Note: Digimon doesn't
Belong To me but To it's original creator here

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