Adventure (SesshomaruxFemale Reader) @DarkHarmony2000

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After the Last Day Of School
Y/N L/N and the rest of the students was now out of school by now as the teacher and the principal and every rest of the staff has paperwork to do before their own vacation start anyway the students and the rest are now on summer vacation for 6 whole month as For you,
you decided to go on a jogging trip nearby
in Average City Hill for 10 minutes
Before taking a shower at home
Than pack up at home before
Locking Up your home before
Going To The Airport
However 30 minutes later
You decided to go
to the airport
Once you got your ticket you
Went through the security checkout system
And when you are done with the security checkout Successfully you got to passed through As you walk through it than went to wait for the plane in the airline waiting room
As it'll take 3 hour just for the plane to arrive at the airport so you decided to scroll through your phone for the time being. And by the time the plane arrived you showed your ticket as the worker scanned it and you get to walk through the plane and find your seat but once you do you decided to sit by the window and when you did you just decided to look at the view from the small circle window and as you decided to relax by now as the airplane just fly through for 12 hour as you went to another country Through your F/P However 16 hour later you have arrived and then you got off the plane as you took the taxi to the hotel of where you are staying at but once arrived you went to your hotel room first to change into your workout clothes than after that you keep your room keys with you for in case than Decided To go on hiking as you walk from the start to all the way to the top
And once you have reached there
You stood there frozen on your feet as you saw an unfamiliar stone and it wasn't your usual one ether this one was a special stone that you never had seen before but what it does well let's just say that it'll surprise you
Once you actually find out what it effects it has or once you actually find out on what it does
Ether way you are excited to find out on what it does however to those who holds this stone has only 2 wishes only it was almost like a lamp but instead it's a wishing stone as it has it's own genie in a way
As you can say however to those who touch it gets their wishes granted however it may
Or may not comes with a price here
But when you touch the stone
With your hands while Rubbing your thumb
Over it that was when something magical
Was happening by now too
The genie of the stone was no other than
Sesshomaru himself so he look at you
Making eye contact with you as he stared
At your E/C Eyes with his Gold Color eyes
As his silver hair flow through the wind gently as he spoke up snapping out of his daydream here as he asked "what's your name"
than you said "my name is y/n"
Than he said "The name sesshomaru
Nice to meet you" as he told you this
Cuz Normally he hates human but for you
He'll make an exception since you are the only human here than he continues speaking after that by saying "since I'm your genie you can have 2 wish ,but use it carefully" as he told you this in a warning tone here Than That Was When You
Wished for him to be free and to be with him forever so that's when he looked at you surprised but granted you your wish anyway so from there he wasn't a genie anymore but human and most of all your first boyfriend so now the both of you hold hands as the two of you walk together Exploring Different places taking selfie together at Different Scenery Just Like Any Tourist Or Any Normal Couple Wouldn't Do However You And Your Boyfriend Sesshomaru Continue To Walk On This cute Romantic Adventure Of Yours And Who Knows Even Tomorrow Might Be Something Different Adventure But All You Knew Is That You You Were Lucky To Have Him As Yours But Just As The Sun Was Setting Down Making it into a Romantic Sunset That Was When He Tilted His Head Kissing Your Lips Pulling You Closer To Him By Your Waist As Well You Responded Back By Tilting Your Head And Kissing Him Back As well Wrapped Your Arms Around His Neck As The Two Of You Fought For Dominance But of Course he won that battle as he explored your mouth before pulling away putting his forehead against yours panting a bit but said "You are mine forever y/n l/n and if anyone try to hurt you or even dare touch you than they will truly get a piece of me with my fist here" as he told you this with a Protective smirk but than he decided to nuzzle his face in between your neck as he kiss it than lick it than nibbled on it making a hickey on it but heard your moan as that was music to his ears however once he finished making Hickeys all around your neck to show everyone who you belong to that is when he holds your hands Again as he decided to continue the adventure with you before bringing you back to your hotel but what's even better is that where he's bringing you is to a place that no one knows or have seen before and after a good long walk you two have arrived now from there he made you walk a bit more for half a mile more and than after that,that is when he said "TA DA" SURPRISE it was his secret hideout as he finally showed you his Secret Hideout by now as he was now waiting to hear your thoughts on it as you said "wow sesshomaru it's beautiful,it's Amazing" and that was when he smiled for the first time and said "thank you but you're the only girl in the world that is truly stunning y/n l/n" and with that you blushed but said "sesshomaru i don't know what to say,but thank you no one has ever told me that before" and that was when you two kiss again but only this time,this one was more of a short and a meaningful one than the two of you pulled away blushing at the same time as you both said "I Love You" at the same time too as the both of you smiled at each other however it was getting late so sesshomaru Decided to bring you back to your hotel room by walking all the way there with you by holding your hands
As the both of you walked together
And arrived at the hotel six hours later
Your hands are still intertwined with each other as you have now arrived at your
Hotel Room But The Two Of You Look At Each Other Eyes Getting Lost In It But
You Hugged Sesshomaru First Than He Hugged You Back However He Said "I Had Fun On This Adventure with you but my love for you wouldn't ever change not now not ever because I will always love you forever" and that was when you told him "I had fun too ,Thank You So Much For This Fun Day,I hope we can travel to other places together one day" that was when he said "oh we will one day in the future Beautiful" as he told you but than out of nowhere you had the instinct and the urges to shout this one word to him so you decided to do it anyway by shouting
And That Was When He Chuckled but
Said "Nice to know That" as he kissed your
Left cheeks goodnight and that was when
You Left A Kiss Mark On His Right Cheeks
With A Smile "goodnight I love you Sesshomaru"
And that was when he said "Goodnight y/n I love you too My Stunning Girlfriend,Sweet Dream" after that he walked out going back to his house to sleep as well you Blushed and enter inside your hotel room and locked the door as well fell on the nice comfy matress as you decided to get in bed tucking a blanket over yourself after finally getting cozy in it you finally fell asleep dreaming about your future with sesshomaru with a smile here as you had a long eventful adventure today but overall loved it

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