Dear anyone with an eating disorder

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Stop what you're doing right now and go look at yourself in the mirror and say "I am beautiful." Instead of bashing yourself, compliment yourself. Tell yourself everything you like about your body or yourself. Your body is beautiful regardless if you have scars, stretch marks, acne, and if you're not a size 0. Your weight does not and never will define you. If you're debating on whether you "dispose" of your food, don't do it. Go right back in the kitchen and have a piece of cake. Why? Because you deserve it. Your body is a temple, be kind to it. Feed it when it wants to be fed. Eat until you can't eat anymore. Eat when you feel sad, angry, bored, hungry, eat whenever YOU want to. You can have more than 500 calories a day honey. You don't need to be skinny to be beautiful. It doesn't matter how much you weigh right now, you're still  beautiful. People will love and care about you even if you don't look like those models on television. You don't need visible hipbones, collarbones, rip bones, a flat stomach, or a thigh gap to be beautiful. You can be beautiful without all those things showing. I think you are just as beautiful even if you don't have all those things. Don't listen to those people who put you down. Don't let them make you hate yourself, learn to love yourself.
Stay strong.
Xoxo, TheShiningDarkness

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