Dear anyone being bullied

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Don't ever let anyone be the reason why you want to die. Don't let them be the reason you cut, or starve yourself. Don't ever let them see you cry. Don't let them get what they want. What they say is just a stupid opinion and their opinion of you shouldn't matter. They only say the things they say to hurt you. Show them that you are stronger than they think you are. One day it'll all end. Bullying isn't forever, kid. But when it finally stops I'll be proud of you for staying storong. Hell, I'm proud of you for staying alive another night. Yeah, life is really fucking hard, but you'll make it through. I didn't let them get the best of me, I didn't let them break me down and neither should you! You are stronger than they will ever be. they are the weak ones, not you. You are beautiful no matter what those assholes say!
Stay strong.
Xoxo, TheShiningDarkness

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