chapter 1

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the last thing harry wanted to do today was double potions with the snakes. as he walks down the hall he dabates skipping *its not like anyone will notice if im not there ron and monie have hated me since i told them i was gay and no one else cares * he thinks to himself then decides its not worth the detention. as he make it to the class room he sits in the very back by himself so that he doesnt have to deal with anyone throwing paper wads or random shit at him as all the griffindores had started doing since his confession had spread like wild fire. he watches as students slowly trickle into the room untill almost everyone is there. he takes glances at his crush and "arch enemy " draco malfoy as he takes the only seat left in the room. given his rotten luck wound up being next to harry   snape strolls into the room the door slamming making harry flinch which unfortunately didnt go unnoticed by draco who had chosen to file away as he noticed how startled potter looked "today you will makeing the deageing potion i implore you to be careful but knowing this class someone will be stupid enough to ruin it " harry begins gathering ingredients and cutting them as needed as draco prepares the cauldron

**** an hour later****
Draco is surprised at how quite harry has been the whole time and is shocked that there potion is perfect "hey fag catch " Weasley says dumping the potion on harry he watches as snape loses it and harry begins to shrink

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