Getting ready for another day

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The Kooley Cid mansion was bustling at this point, Luke was playing obnoxious rap music on full volume upstairs and Bethany and Johnny were together in Beth's bedroom.

Jen and Shaniqua were discussing ideas about the brand. Detailing possible outfits they could wear.

Hegetha, Jake, Fleur and Halia were at the pool, Heggy was at the side watching the trees sway gently.

Hegetha, Jake, Fleur and Halia were at the pool, Heggy was at the side watching the trees sway gently

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Artemis was in the greenhouse collecting mushrooms.

They just seem like ridiculously rich 16 year old, but they weren't. Each of them was unique in the fact that they each have incredible superhuman abilities.

Jennifer could soar through the sky using the wind under her feet.

Luke could shout louder than a Jet plane.

Bethany could turn herself and anything her skin touches completely invisible.

Artemis could manipulate plants and make them grow to huge proportions on the spot.

Halia could change her own size to become up to 3 stories tall or just as small as a golf ball.

Johnny can make anything he touches completely immobile until he snaps his fingers.

Shaniqua can use Fire, Water, Wind and Earth energy.

Fleur can take control of any human or animal using her mind.

Hegetha can teleport anywhere within 50 meters nearby.

Jake can influence people and make them hallucinate.

And that is the true Kooley Cids household, each of the members were special in extraordinary ways

However they were still inevitably 16 year old teens who haven't even finished puberty yet so there is always something happening in this mansion...

Today was a free day off, they had the time to relax and get away from starring in a new blockbuster for a whole 24 hours. Free days usually came as a time for them to get drunk the day before and then do whatever they want to the next day, some people in the house despised the constant parties but they still happened every time like clockwork.

And again that was the case for this day, the night before most of the Kooley Cids were blacked out drunk. Including Jennifer which was more than a rare sight to see.

The pool was in use by Jake, Halia and Fleur. Jake and Halia were playing together with an inflatable ball and Fleur was lying across a lilo with a sunglasses and a beach hat.

 Jake and Halia were playing together with an inflatable ball and Fleur was lying across a lilo with a sunglasses and a beach hat

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Halia knocked the ball far into the air and Hegetha watched and jumped into the air and bounced it back to her with their nose. They were having fun together and Fleur was amused by watching them.

Inside the house, on the third floor there was Luke blasting Eminem and various other rappers at full volume. He played on his games switching every 5 minutes out of pure boredom.

On the second floor Bethany and Johnny were in bed together discussing their relationship, Bethany lay twirling her hair around her finger and staring into Johnny's eyes as he talked about her.

On the second floor Bethany and Johnny were in bed together discussing their relationship, Bethany lay twirling her hair around her finger and staring into Johnny's eyes as he talked about her

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And finally on the first floor was Jennifer and Shaniqua. They were sat around the circular couch and table, on the table was a huge canvas paper sheet and markers with a crudely drawn outfit set on it.

Artemis walks through the door and waves at them, as soon as they see her they start to giggle between themselves. Artemis looks around and looks confused.

In between giggles Jennifer gestures to her head and Artemis places a hand on her head and finds a spotted red mushroom growing from her hair. She plucks it out and starts to snicker with them.

Eventually she walks past them and sees Johnny carrying Bethany down the stairs, one hand under her legs and one hand around her shoulders.

Artemis calls over at them "Oh get a room for once" She scowls and walks away towards the kitchen.

Bethany and Johnny laugh and stumble down the staircase and outside into the Jacuzzi room.

The terrible music from upstairs suddenly cuts off and thumping down the stairs is Luke again

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The terrible music from upstairs suddenly cuts off and thumping down the stairs is Luke again.

"If you stomp down those any harder the whole staircase will fall apart" Shaniqua mocks him

"If you stomp down those any harder the whole staircase will fall apart" Shaniqua mocks him

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"Im so bored" Luke drags out his sentence in a childish way as if he were having a tantrum.

Jennifer perks up and stands to her feet "What if we all go somewhere?" Jennifer suggests

Artemis skulks back into the room "What if we went to the botanical gardens? You said we couldn't go last time"

Everyone looks at her "Still no" they all exclaim in perfect unison.

Jennifer presses a little button on the wall which sends out a robotic voice calling out "Group meeting everyone go to the lounge"

Luke looks up at the speakers in the wall "There was still no point in those stupid robot speakers"

Slowly everyone makes their own way into lounge area, Jake, Fleur and Halia covered by a towel and Hegetha full of mud from playing with the ball.

"Okay we are all going out for the day"

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