Chapter 3.

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School was boring the next day considering I was to busy thinking about seeing Nico later. My old love... The one person I had actually been myself around. I found myself not focusing in class that day and all my teacher's noticed but they didn't say much since I barely did this. I get to lunch and I tune in to the conversations my friends are having but I don't say much. After lunch is over, I was walking to my next class when my best friend, Annabeth, comes running over. "What's up with you Seaweed brain?" She asks.

"Remember how i told you about my little romance 4 years ago?" I ask her quietly.

"Yeah.You wouldn't stop talking about it... Why?" she answers looking at me suspiciously.

"He goes to this school and I'm seeing him again later... We're just catching up right now but I hope we can be more again sometime." I tell her and I can't keep the grin off my face.

"That's great!" she exclaims hugging me. "You must be psyched." She says letting go. I nod and keep walking as I just thinking about his smile. We part ways to head to our next class and I wipe the grin off my face before I walk into the class. I look around at all the annoying people and I roll my eyes, walking off to my seat in the back of the room as I sit down, opening up a book and reading until my teacher gets here. About 5 minutes later, I look up as I hear her walk in.

"Good morning class take your seats," she says sitting down and grabbing her attendance sheet, listing off names and stopping once she gets to mine. She looks at me curiously before continuing on and I watch her, confused. I shrug it off before looking down at my paper, doodling random images. If you flipped through my notebook you'd see mostly tridents and waves or skulls and flames surrounding my pages. I don't know why the skull but the trident is there because I love the water. I sigh and put my pen down, looking back at the teacher and I guess I doze off because next thing I know it's 10 minutes from the last time I looked and my teacher is looking at me annoyed.

"What ?" I ask drowsily, my face heating up slightly as everyone stares at me.

"I asked you what the square root of 625 is," Ms. Dawes said. I stare wide eyed at the board trying to see what she wrote but my dyslexia was moving all the letters around and I couldn't see. I look down and mumble out an I don't know. "What was that ?" she asked staring at me.

"I. Don't. Know," I say louder, pronouncing each word carefully as I glare at the desk, not risking looking up at her. I sigh and listen to her lecture about paying attention and then her giving the answer to the problem and asking me the question again. "It's 25 m'am." I say loud enough for her to hear but I was obviously annoyed. I tinker with my pencil and live through the rest of the class, not wanting to pay attention. The bell rings and I grab my stuff, rushing out of the class and I meet up with Annabeth. "I hate Ms.Dawes," I say right when I see her and she gives me a questioning look. "She made me look stupid in front of the class," I say even though that wasn't the full truth.

"What'd she do ?" Annabeth asks me as walk towards our next class which we have together.

"She asked me a question and id fallen asleep so she explained to the whole class the question and said the answer then asked me again," I say, sounding annoyed and she gives me a look that says 'seriously?' So I look back at her and say "What ?!?"

"Are you that stupid ? What she did was reasonable, you shouldn't have fallen asleep in class," she said matter-of-factly. I roll my eyes, entering class and walking to our seats in the back of room. I don't say anything as I open my book, pretending to read it as I think about Nico, I was excited to see him after school but I was nervous, what if he ended up not liking me again. I would be screwed, I was so caught up on him even after 4 years, what would I do if he never liked me again. I sigh and try to get my mind off it, I didn't want to stress myself out over it since i didn't how it would turn out. The class goes by wicked slow and when the bell finally rings, I rush out and up to my last period class excited for the day to end so I can go see Nico. I sit down in my next class, ignoring all the whispers I hear around me as people start talking about how I helped Nico. I could care less about what they said because I didn't regret helping him for anything. The teacher walks in so everybody quiets down as she starts her science lesson. I sit there, staring at the board but not actually seeing it, my thoughts were somewhere else completely. At exactly 2:04, the bell rings as a warning to end class and to pack up so that knocks me out of my day dream. I put my stuff in my bag and stand up, waiting for the second bell to ring at 2:08. I look around at the people who are whispering again and I roll my eyes, looking towards the door right as the second bell rings. I rush out of the door and to the outside of the school where I go straight to my motorcycle, putting the helmet on and quickly speeding off to my house. I had to check in with my mom first so she didn't worry since she knew that people liked picking on me and stuff. I get home and run up the steps, two at a time. "Mom! I'm home!" I call out walking to my room to throw my bag on my bed and grabbing a different sweater that wasn't so heavy since it was warmer out than I thought.

"Okay sweetie, thanks for checking in before going to see Nico," she says while poking her head in the door. I smile and kiss her forehead real quick before walking back out the door and hopping back on my bike. I speed towards the hospital, my nerves getting to me again as I park in the lot and walk into waiting room in his area, asking if I can go see him. The nurse says yes and tells me the room even though I remembered it from yesterday. I walk towards his room and open the door, "Hey Neeks," I say as I open the door, poking my bead in for now until I know if he wants me to come in.

"Hey !" Nico says, sounding very relieved when he sees me poke my head in. I smile at him and walk over, sitting in the chair next to his hospital bed. "How was school ?" He asked me at the same time I said 'How was the hospital today ?" We laugh and then he says, "It was boring, I'm happy your here."

I smile at his response, trying not to let it mean to much to me that he was happy I was here... He was just happy to have a friend, I tell myself. "School was boring and good at the same time I guess," I say in response to what he had said earlier. I smile at him and he smiles shyly back at me. "How may more days are you here ?" I ask him after a minute of silence.

"I think the nurse said two or so days until I can leave so that I have enough time to heal." he says in return to my question. I smile in excitement at the thought that he'll be getting out soon, I'm hoping we can catch up again and we can hang out, outside of the hospital and stuff. We talk about nothing and everything at the same time, catching up on what life has thrown both our ways. I didn't realize how late it had gotten until I got a text from my mom telling me I should head home.

"Oh! Sorry, I have to go, I didn't realize how late it was but I'll come see you tomorrow, I promise." I say and give him a light hug before leaving. Oh my god, even a small hug like that got my heart racing and wishing for more. Ugh. I get home about 5-10 minutes later and head in, giving my mom a sheepish smile as she looks at me expectantly. As I sit down to eat, I tell her about today, about school and then seeing Nico and about everything basically. She wasn't just my mom, she was also my best friend. After I finish telling her about today, I kiss her goodnight and head to my room to finish some homework I had to do.

Around 10 o clock I finally finish and go to my bed, laying down and falling asleep to the memories of today.

(Hey guys ! I know it's short, I'm sorry but I can't keep leaving you guys waiting and I know I'm terrible, I suck at writing and at updating but I'm hoping it's good... Let me know, I'll try To start writing more)

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