chapter 9

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Bella looked from her window and sighed loudly.This is the only reaction she does forcibly that makes her remember her memories from human life.Her thoughts wavered a lot today.she was in love with jasper yesterday,later she had a fit and broke up with him and now in her room she is thinking about jasper......

confusion......this is going to be with her till her end.


The only constant in her thoughts.She broke up with him.She is aware of that fact,but in reality she don't want to let it go.Jasper is making her feel things she never felt with Edward.He make her feel special in a unique way.

He might have been using his power over her,but looks like it's doing a good job for him.

Bella looked at her wedding ring,remembering her married years she had with Edward .She knows she loves Edward,he is sweet and an ideal husband,but a part of her is now having feeling for Jasper as well.she knows she had to deal with Edward later when he returns from Volturi but now she know someone had her full attention and she knows she want to meet him now.

She wanted to talk with him and started searching for him and when she didn't find him she started towards the forest.

May be he went for a hunt where her thoughts.

She looked desperately for him.He was heartbroken and that is for sure and she want to mend that wound.

She knows he always had a crush on her but she was in deep love for Edward that she never cared to even think about him,but time changes everything and everyone and their feelings.

She walked deep into the dark woods her eyes searching for him.the perks of being a vampire,you don't have to worry about the wild animals.she searched for him fervently and stopped at the entrance of a cave that is almost invisible to the outer world.

She flicked the light at the was a very old cave.the cave was built in such a way that the wines that outgrown their natural habitat,climbed along the walls of the cave,narrowing the entrance and any human eye can miss it.the wines entwined in a spiral fashion around each other forming an archway like in a was a sight to behold.the green wines are complemented with bright colours making it almost impossible to concentrate on the entrance of the cave or even to acknowledge the presence of cave.

Bella looked at the cave for a little longer than required,mesmerized and at the same time confused at herself,for not knowing its existence.

she lingered a little longer and was about to return when she heard a rock breaking tremble.the sound was normal but the echo wasn't. The sound shook the cave to its very roots.the cave was empty and it only added to the echo.

Bella was terrified at the site and slowly entered the cave.the cave was dark would be an looks like that light doesn't even want to enter the was pitch black inside the cave and even if we peeked into it we might get lost in its darkness.

she studied her surroundings.she doesn't have to worry about the animal,or whatever that caused the sound.she is a predator and she can take down whatever comes in her way.feeling confident,she entered the cave.the cave slowly consumed her.

she looked around her,vampires have a unique ability to look at things that are not seen by humans.they have a perfect score in the section of sight and can look clearly at great speed and heights and even in the darkest hour.their eyes are trained to see in darkness as they are the masters of the dark.she studied the walls of the cave.the walls inside the cave are covered by a green carpet,water dripped along the surface of moss making it appear alluring for some reason.the water flowed along the wall onto the ground making it to smell,which is estatic.

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