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Everytime i remember this feeling,
The feeling of losing you,
I feel my heart crying silently.
I hear your beautiful laugh.
I dream of your big smile,
Your shining eyes full of hope,
Lighting up my day.
I daydream of the day we met,
A day that changed my life for the better.

Everytime i realize you left me,
And every person that loved you,
I cry unconsciously.
I feel guilty of putting the blame on you,
Knowing it's not your fault,
God had others plans for you.

Everytime i remember how hard it has been,
Since that day, a day I'll never forget,
I know you are still alive,
Maybe we can't see you,
But you are present in every memory,
Every laugh, every tear and every smile.
You are here like you've always been,
Giving all the support and love we need,
Like any guardian angel in heaven.

You were so lucky to be "you",
Because "you" was a perfect human being.
Every person in this world
That had the chance to meet you
Should be very grateful
Because there is only one "you"
A gorgeous and happy "you"
A "you" spreading hope and love
A "you" that changed my life,
And the life of every person she met on her path
And that "you" is gone forever
                                                            -Gael Melki

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