26 of October

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It's 12 am, on the 26 of October,
Memories are racing in my head,
I hear your voice near my shoulder,
I look behind seeking for you, friend.

Tears falling down my face,
Endless laughs stuck in my mind,
Flashbacks, eyes gone blind,
Million feelings I'm trying to erase.

Words kill souls and stab hearts,
Break them into hundreds of pieces,
Create scars that turns into weaknesses,
Then vanish leaving the soul shattered.

Memories repeating and repeating,
Running in a infinite circle in front of my eyes,
Adventures and dreams with no ending,
Life experiences with no price.

It's still 12 am, on the 26 of October,
I'm still heartbroken and hurt,
Trying to escape from this prison,
This nightmare i can't wake up from.

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