tenya iida

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It was a brand new day, and class 1a were starting to get ready for a new assignment coming up the next Friday. Iida had been working day and night, revising and revising. He had to pass this test. For his brother. For himself. He hasn't quite got over the event of his brother yet, and was still mourning to say the least. The class waited in the common room of the dorms getting orders from aizawa. But what iida hasn't realised was that the class had already started to walk on wards towards the ua high school.
"Hey iida, you coming?" Midoriya shouted. Tenya turned his head slightly after being snapped from his thoughts. He made an excuse up quick for them to walk onwards without him. "Erm.. sorry midoriya but as class rep I am expected to check that everyone has left the dorms on time, see you in class" "Okay see you there" and with those last words the common room was empty. Iida took a seat and put his head in his hands. He checked the time to see that he had 15 minutes to get to school but he may aswell stay here for a while as he could use his quirk to get there on time. "Iida what's bothering you?" He jumped out of his skin to see aizawa stood in front of him. "Oh sorry aizawa sensei I didn't see you there, nothing's wrong, I just... I want to make my brother proud and.." he was cut off "and I'm sure he is" he bent down to iidas height. "Your one of my most trusted students from this class, you help me get everyone into form, do announcements, calm everyone down, your my second half kid, I don't know what I'd do without you in the class, but my roles as a teacher don't end once we leave the classroom, so if you ever need to talk, come find me" iida nodded. "Good. Now you better get to class, I don't want the class rep late for class" aizawa smiled and with that they both walked to class side by side. He was going to make his brother proud and he was going to become a hero.

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