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It was already December and no sign of Luna still. No letters, no phone calls, no anything. I have to move on. Luna would never even wanted to see me like this, miserable. Christmas spirit is in the air. People got to spend their Christmas with their family or loved ones. As for me, since Candice is a family and a special person, I'll be fine. I missed Luna so much.

I stared blankly into the sky, gazing at the full moon that is watching over me. I felt like Luna is controlling the moon and she's making it look after me. Wait, what was I even thinking? One month had already passed since I started going out with Candice. I've considered about what Luna said in the letter and I thought to myself, why not? Candice is a very beautiful and sweet person. She's smart and interesting. She's the girl every guy at my school had ever dreamt of taking out, even for just a one-night date. But she's mine now and it's kind of, happy. I'm beginning to like the way we treat each other, I was getting used to dating a full-grown woman that I used to call best friend.

"In deep thoughts Chad?" Candice held my shoulders and embraced me tightly while I continued to look out of the window pane. As soon as she held my face and and touched my nose, I let go of my necklace's pendant that I kept on clutching awhile back. It was my gift for Luna for her birthday. But I didn't have the chance to give it to her, and so I wore it from then on so that I'll have something with me to remember her everyday. Letters C and L carved on the pendant stands for Chad and Luna, but Candice thought it stands for Candice Levi. That's a good thing, I would always have a reason to wear it every time.

I turned around and held her hands tightly. I gave Candice a warm embrace and whispered, "Happy birthday..." I buried my face on her long straight hair and tighten my embrace.

"Are you happy?"

"Of course I am Candice, what makes you think I'm not?"

"Nothing. I just wanna hear you say you love me..."

"I love you..."

"I love you too."

We kissed.

Two years have passed and Candice and I are getting along pretty well. We've reached our senior year at school and we're planning on putting up a business together after graduation. Candice planned on marrying right away but I told her that it's too early to set up something big like marriage, especially that we're still 21 years old. Is it really just because I don't want to have a family yet? Or is it because I'm still holding on to someone whom I always knew would show herself up anytime and surprise me? This is so stupid. How could I think about Luna after two years of no communication? She left me just like that! Hoping that her dramatic letter will subside all the pain in me gradually. I didn't think so. Besides, I'm already going out with Candice. We're already even planning about our future, together.

My lifestyle changed. I had this bad boy image, making all the girls like me even more. But they knew that I wouldn't let them get in the way of me and Candice. I would relentlessly treat the girls at school like they're not existing, I never talked to any of them. I started to always attend parties and get drunk. But I never fail to stroll every night with my motorcycle and spend an hour of relaxing at the beach.

Whether there are or are no people around, I would always scream her name at the top of my lungs. Not Candice, but Luna. It still hurts that I can no longer see her and be with her. I didn't think that I was doing the right thing since I already have Candice, but I really can't help myself. It would kill me to keep it to myself. There are even times that I'd cry before I sleep. I felt despondent, very downhearted. I missed her badly and after everything that she had done to me, I still felt a little love left. But I plan to get rid of it, soon.

One fine evening while I was riding my motorcycle on my way home from school, my cellphone rang.

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