CHAPTER:4 || Uninvited Guest

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"No, no, no, no! No! Why on Earth would you do something like this, Zach?!" The petite, light skinned girl hissed, raking her light brown hair as she paced the living area of the apartment she shared with Zach.

"What in the hell was I supposed to do, Emily?! Let him die?! Look at the condition he is in!" Zach reasoned for a millionth time as he pointed at Michael who was laying on the couch, all fragile and almost unconscious.

"Exactly! Look at him!" Emily said sharply pointing at Michael. "Don't you see he's wearing hospital clothes under his clothes! Hospital clothes!" She hissed. "He clearly ran away! He is nothing but a trouble. A big one! He can't stay here!" Emily seethed lowly, just in enough voice so only Zach could hear.

"Get a hold on yourself! He isn't leaving unless he gets well." Zach declared sternly. Emily just stared at Zach with parted lips of disbelief as her blue eyes daggered him. She was so outraged that the light skin of her face was visibly red.

"Do whatever the fuck!" She hissed before storming in her bedroom. Zach sighed heavily as he raked his jet black hair, settling on the small couch near where Michael was.

"I can't fucking believe he brought a fucking stranger straight outta road!" Emily ranted to her laptop over the video call to her best friend Kiara.

Kiara twisted her full lips as she sipped her coffee. "So... Zach just picked some strange, skeptical looking random dude fresh outta road who is wearing what? Hospital clothes?" Kiara summarized everything and Emily nodded. "So when are you all makin' it sure he ain't just ran outta some crack asylum or some?"

Emily huffed, hugging her pillow near her chest. "That's exactly what my concern is. I mean, he legit looks like some stoner and those hospital clothes aren't helping much. But damn that dumbass Zach is just so hell bound to help that stranger. I am sure this dude will put us all into some huge trouble and I'll dump Zach's stupid ass."

"I can listen to you, witch!" Zach yelled from the living area, making Emily roll her eyes and Kiara snickered.

"You know what? Wait some time. He ain't gonna do shit, if he's all weak and technically dead. Wait till he gets better. I mean, if he's really some crack ass stoner dude, kick his ass outta your damn apartment and handle him to the police."

"Or... maybe, we should contact the hospital he's wearing the clothes of." Emily said with raised brows and Kiara nodded in agreement.

"No way!" Came a stern voice from the doorway. It was Zach. He reached Emily and got settled on her bed where she was talking to Kiara on video call. "We are not contacting anyone unless we talk to him first. I saw the fear, the desperation on his face when I stopped my car. Damn he neared looked dead already for God's sake! He was begging for help and God knows for since how long? He said someone would kill him. Why would anyone say such a thing if not in danger?!" He said looking between Emily and Kiara.

"And that's more of a reason why we shouldn't keep him here!" Emily squeaked with wide eyes. "He looks dangerous. I mean, not directly but if someone wants to kill him, then if we help him we are in danger too!" Emily said.

"Zach, I guess Emily is right. I mean, you all don't know nothin' about this guy."

Zach sighed in frustration. "How can it be so damn hard for you to help someone who is clearly in need?" He seethed. "Where's your compassion? Where's your humanity? How can you be so judgemental? If he's a danger we'll definitely get to know eventually! If he is in danger, we'll get to know that too. But in order to know anything, we need to talk to him." Zach said and there was silence. Complete silence. "He's weak, too weak and I cannot just let a person die because you two are being judgemental and ridiculous." With that Zach left. Emily and Kiara just stared at each other in silence for a few moments.

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