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The name of this woman? It is probably a male because i heard some people were talking about her gender, I don't know if it's true or not.

I didn't know her name at all.

"What is your name-" Nedakova asked but ??? cutted it.
     [ ??? POV]
I am valindra! The creator of this soy holy sanatorium.
They took you here because you did something so unholy and it isn't a great thing to hear about this situation.

Why did you almost murder the wing boy? Can you answer please?


I was going to the bathroom I heard some idiots talk about murdering me.

I was hiding near the door till I decided to take my anger out at night. Killing someone that didnt deserved it In my eyes I thought he was a spider so I had to act up.


I'm sorry dear, it seems that you wanted to protect yourself but it isn't a excuse to murder him. But you should go to the playground and forget about this happening you probably have some friends to let out some feelings.

I had left the room to go to the playground to talk to my spider friends.

My friends turned serious, they started talking about some rumors that happened days ago or longer.

"What rumors are you guys talking about?" She asked a question then they replied


There is a rumor going around that a Lady dropped letters to the graves of patients that died days ago.

The fly to the rainbows ( my own logic lol) will make the patient blind and in their 2nd life they will be blind for the rest of their new life.

And the stuck in the sanatorium are good people that died from spider attacks or coffin. If the nurse likes their kind behavior they will be stuck in the sanatorium forever but unless someone is able to get them out?


He is trying to explain that these people with special abilities like that can set someone free, they can hear the dead person's voice calling for help. They won't give up till they are set free. Normal ones can't hear them at all  but they called someone insane for hearing it, the guy was sent to quarantine for 2 nights.
Sadly he died because he ate only roaches to survive.

And for the people that are sent to the new home awaits below it is the opposite of this Sanatorium that can torture, there's patients in there too, Some people say it's fun or just sliding down the pole to hell.

He laughed a bit then stopped.

Theres always something bad that can happen thought.

Run away faster doesn't have anything it takes them to heaven so they can rest their soul then they can restart their life and try to run faster next time they come to this sanatorium


This is quite sick of that mysterious lady dropping letters in, I saw a lot of people are twitching their heads and arm but I'm not, is there gonna be a bunker tonight?


Yeah there will be a bunker tonight we should actually hide since there is a bunch of cannibalism going on.

Nedakova and her friends smiled then Nedakova left, she went inside the sanatorium to go to lecture hall.


I laughed with my spider friends as we ran to the cafeteria, sitting down waiting for our food. We are getting urchin stew for dinner but I wonder why are the nurses disgusted?

I think the urchin stew is very good and they don't know taste

See you guys at bunker time.

As I hid up in the pear tree room I waited for a minute, bells have ring it's time for all to freak. I ran to the west wing, going through the the hole waiting for the moment to scream happily.

The alarms went on, a nurse unlocked and I ran quickly in the bunker waiting for the moment where I can feel revenge, seeing my enemies being hit by nurses taking all of them out because they were all stupid spiders.
I laughed hard even everyone did, seeing the nurses fight with them all

Angel has sit next to me laughing and I wanted to apologize to him "Hey Angel I'm sorry I stabbed you in the guts Hope you get recovered soon."
"It's alright for now it hurts a lot yesterday but now I'm feeling slight pain I just know you did it to protect yourself, You should remember that all spiders can lose control and eat.

Angel's friends are spiders now, attempting to get inside the bunker to attack me and everyone.

All night we were laughing, dancing, having an whole party. This night was going so great. But me and him fell asleep since we were tired but it was a few minutes until the alarm beeped for everyone to leave.

I rushed quickly to cafeteria till I've got fatigue I coughed as my stomach hurted from running. I feel like throwing up, I haven't slept since I loved to have fun and roam to risk my life to live.

My ex friends were almost dead since they starved at night looking for food till they tried to eat themselves. Such cannibals.

I don't think nurses see the spiders as humans since they say lies like "Delusions dahling!" I knew they send spiders to quarantine so we can survive the night.

I coughed a little bit of blood, my uniform was in little blood stains. A nurse saw me and took me to nursery room quickly.

Ma'am Are you alright?

No, I coughed then I feel like vomiting after running..

Ma'am you have fatigue, Please rest here and come out when you need to. The doors will opened for a bit.

I woke up and left west wing feeling energized and ready, as my best friends gave me holy water I had around 1 blur during sleep and 2 on night.

As I drank holy water my vision is back to normal and I'm ready for tonight.
As I have enough food for surviving I decided to rest a bit till dinner time comes.

There's more spiders now, I'm excited when they get through the facility meaning more bunker nights.

But some spiders might roam if dinner is missed.. I'm scared.

I rested a bit
Its 9:20 PM not bed time. Glad I slept and got enough energy.

I hid behind the barrier closer to lecture hall slowly, closing the door.

I opened the door as bells rang, carefully touching the floor so no nurse can hear me.

This time spiders came out of the dorms and got out of the sanatorium to kill new patients as nurses got near, I saw Angel attacking them right away. Painful to see, but happy to be waiting for this moment.

Nedakova's Life In De Pride Isle SANATORIUM Where stories live. Discover now