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The girls all walked in to the party, Camila grabbing Lauren's hand and whispering to her "don't forget I expect an answer." Then she let go of the green-eyed beauty's hand and walked to find Dinah and Normani, as they'd already lost the two. Lauren watched as a drink was handed to Camila and decided she'd catch back up with her in a second, she owed some girls an apology. She looked around spotting Leigh-Anne and Jesy with some guys and walked over, explaining her side of the story, taking full responsibility and leaving with their forgiveness as well as a warning if she let there be a next time, which she promised there would not be. Before Lauren walked away, she whispered to Leigh-Anne that Dinah was really interested in Leigh's boyfriends friend Jarryd. Leigh and Jesy nodded saying they'd take of it. Then the two girls gestured toward the other side of the room where Lauren saw Jade and Perrie standing. She smiled and headed in their direction, feeling a twinge of jealousy, wondering what Perrie and Camila's relationship was.

As the green-eyed girl got closer, Jade stepped forward, like an overprotective pet, guarding Perrie. Lauren, knowing she deserved it, "listen, I came to apologize. I know that you are aware that I, that Camz and I had a misunderstanding and I wasn't thinking about how incredibly rude and insensitive it was to have Lucy with me when I tried to talk to Camila. I know how you feel about Lucy and regardless if she is my girlfriend, I should have come to your table alone."

Jade was a little caught off guard, as she was ready to pounce and rip Lauren apart and now that she didn't need to, she wasn't sure how to react. Perrie on the other hand was somewhat glad Lauren was an idiot, it gave her the chance to get a little closer to Camila. But with Lauren on this apology tour, she saw the green-eyed girl speaking to Jesy and Leigh-Anne already, did that mean she and Camila made up? Where is Camila anyway? Perrie wondered as she looked around. Feeling a bit annoyed at the thought that whatever could be starting with she and Camila may come to an end because of Lauren, Perrie snapped. "Honestly neither you nor your hoebag girlfriend owe me anything. I thought she was my friend, she proved she wasn't, I thought you were smart, your actions show you aren't, so it is what it is. But if you need me to tell Camila you apologized, I'll let her know or whatever." Both Jade and Lauren's mouths fell open, Jade then grinning with pride, put her hand on Perrie's forearm, nervous what Perrie was planning next.

Lauren, now pissed off, "while that may have been somewhat deserved, maybe if you heard Lucy's side, you'd be placing blame elsewhere."

"I broke up with him, I want nothing to do with him, he really showed his character, so don't think for a second I hold her to blame more so than him. But even still, she never came to me, not once, and then you started dating her like immediately after, or even during." Perrie steps closer so only Lauren can hear her, "you could literally have the perfect girl," Perrie's eyes drifting to Camila, Lauren following her gaze, then Perrie finishing, "yet you choose a hoebag, and if you don't see her as that, again I stick with you not being smart." By this point Jesy, Leigh-Anne, Dinah, Mani and Camila had joined the other three girls.

Pointing between the girls Dinah spoke up "so this is going well then?"

Jade and Perrie laughed while Lauren just gave her a look. Perrie made brief eye contact with Camila, "it went fine, Lauren apologized for her poor decision at dinner yesterday, and all is well now in the world." Perrie looked again at Camila and then walked away from the girls. Jade torn what to do because her boyfriend was standing off waiting for her to come over. Camila noticing Jade's hesitation, announced, "go over to Jed, I'll talk to Perrie." Jade kicking herself because this just gave Camila more time to "steal" Perrie from her. Jade smiled and nodded at Camila as she walked to her boyfriend. Lauren asking Camila to wait was shrugged off.

"Hey baaaabe, you okay?" Camila asked when she caught up with Perrie standing outside the house on the deck.

Perrie smiling because Camila came to her instead of Lauren, but annoyed that Camila could have feelings for a moron like Lauren.

"Explain to me why you have feelings for her." Perrie demanded, almost emotionless, which caught Camila off guard. Perrie sensing Camila's confusion, continued, "I don't see the appeal, she could have YOU, but she chooses Lucy, someone she KNOWS was "the other woman" and really doesn't seem to care. I just don't get it. You deserve, well for lack of a better way to say it, so forgive my cheesiness, Princess Charming and you're standing waiting on the villain's sidekick."

Camila shaking her head, knowing Perrie was just upset about the whole thing, "I guess she currently is the villain's sidekick, but the Lauren you see now isn't the Lauren that always was. The Lauren I fell for was funny, witty, loyal, sweet, protective, caring, all the good things. I didn't fall for this Lauren," Camila gesturing toward the house and to where she presumed Lauren was. "I fell for my best friend Lauren. At this point they could be two different people." Camila said hanging her head a little, realizing how stupid she must look for hanging on to feelings for a girl who really has been a pretty shitty friend lately.

Perrie realizing she may have hurt Camila's feelings, takes a step closer to the brunette, who is leaning against the railing looking into the backyard, Perrie resting her back against the railing facing the house, "you know I am not judging right? I am the fool who has been into my straight best friend for who knows how long. Here I am acting like Lucy is some terrible person, which well she is," they both chuckled, "but really she did me a favor. I'd probably still be with Zayn living an unhappily ever after life, missing out on potential happiness, but who am I kidding, I am still wondering about my best friend. So yeah, judging, I am not. I just think you deserve better."

Camila lightly hip checks Perrie, "there is so much to address in there I don't even know where to start. First, I think if you weren't happy, you would've broken up with him, cheating or not. I appreciate you thinking so highly of me, deciding I deserve something special. But back to straight best friend. I was there when she said she doesn't label herself. So whats your excuse now? Because I think you're using that as an excuse at this point." Camila looked at Perrie pointedly.

Perrie was left speechless for a second, but before she could defend herself, they were interrupted by Dinah telling them to get their asses inside, there were drinks and dancing and games that they were missing. The two girls joined their friends, separately slightly into their respective groups, smiling every so often at each other though. Camila somehow having found Lauren and ending up on her team for a terrible game of Beer Pong. Then Dinah and Normani joined them for one win and then a loss at Boat Races, them all commending Camila on her chugging abilities. She was looking around to find Perrie when she saw her talking to a girl she recognized but couldn't think of her name. "Who is that?" she used her cup to gesture toward Perrie and the girl, not asking anyone specific, but hoping it was Mani who answered as she was least likely to tease Camila for the question.

Lauren following Camila's gaze, "It's Bea." Camila still looking confused, trying to decide who to look at, Lauren, whose hand was on her waist, or Perrie who was clearly flirting with the girl. "Bea Miller, I think she is a freshman." Camila gave Lauren a look, questioning how she knew about this girl. "She is, or maybe was based on her hitting on Perrie, obsessed with Justin. She used to follow him around, and because he loved the attention, he'd always egg her on. It was kind of sad, she seemed sweet enough." Lauren shrugged, then looking at Camila, "why?"

Now it was Camila who shrugged, grabbing Lauren's drink from her and finishing it. Camila was definitely drunk at this point, she grabbed Lauren by the collar, pulling the green-eyed girl close to her face, "why do you know more about Bea Arthur than me? You knew she was obsessed with Justin but have no idea who I am obsessed with? Why are you so oblivious?" Then she pushed Lauren away and walked toward the kitchen to get another drink, Lauren quickly following behind. Lauren wondering we were so close, what would she have done if I kissed her? I think she looked at my lips, is that what I am oblivious to? Is it me? I need to break up with Lucy before I get myself in a situation. Do I want to be in that situation?

AUTHORS NOTE: Is it stupid to ask are people team Camren or team Camrie (Camila and Perrie)? I saw someone comment on a youtube video comparing Camren and Jerrie and they said Camila and Perrie would make a hot couple, and that sparked me to write this story... I am by no means saying Camrie is endgame, just curious peoples thoughts about the potential couple? 

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