Chapter One: The Love Letter

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Chapter One: The Love Letter
     White snow fell from the heavens and covered the trees and pathway through the forest. The dirt pathway was surrounded by trees on both sides, separating the two forests that intertwined with each other.

     Up in the sky above the trees, two birds flew parallel with each other. Following behind the birds that were grouped with other birds. One of the groups was a large one, with dozens of birds following the leader, while the other only had one bird following them.

     Separating the birds was a small border on the ground, a difference in color. Where the larger group was, the snow was light gray. On the small group's side, the snow was pure white. The top off the trees between the two groups could be seen with slightly different patterns.

      The bird who led its single friend, the one on the right side, turned its head to the side to look at the bird who led the larger group, who was on the left. It opened its beak and asked them, "Hey, Crow, your side looks beautiful and luscious compared to mine," it said, "The light-grey doesn't hurt my eyes, and you can see the beautiful colors of red, yellow, and orange inside the trees. Unlike my side, it's only blinding white and no color."

     The crow turned its head towards the bird that spoke. "Oh dear Raven, your eyes are so innocent," it replied with a sorrowful tone, "Look closely at the snow, for it isn't cold. It is hot and it burns. It suffocated the animals that live here. It is ash. It does not provide life, but takes. The color you see in the forest is nothing but blood and flames. It seeps through my forest like a virus spreading through its host. It may be beautiful, but it is not lovely. Once the ashes disappear and reveal the land, all you will see is death and isolation. Now look at your forest, dear Raven. It is white and pure, with no color in sight to stain it. The white snow is snow and it is rich in life. Animals run through nature's cold blankets and thrive. It is a hopeful place, unlike mine, once the snow disappears what will be revealed is life, an oasis. Streams of life-giving water will travel through your lands, and new animals will prosper."

     The Raven looked back at its forest, then back at the crow's forest. "But Crow, my forest is too stuffy, too crowded. So many animals roam my land. It's never quiet and I never get enough rest. They always come to me to ask for help and ask questions. Unlike my land, yours is quiet and peaceful, it's just you and your friends. You don't have to listen to the animal's ramblings, you don't have to answer their questions, you don't have to over work yourself. I want to be in your land!"

    The Crow shook its head disappointingly at the Raven. "Oh dear Raven, how wrong you are. You may be right about it being quiet, about the land not being over crowded, about me being with only my friends, but I tell you this Raven, it is not peaceful. The animals have disappeared because they are dead. Their playful shouts no longer fill the land, but silence makes it a void. It is lonely, it is quiet, it is... silent. Oh Raven, you don't know how much I miss to talk to those animals again, how much I miss to be asked those silly questions, how much I miss being bothered by the crowds. Dear Raven, I tell you this: enjoy the sound of the hundreds of animals who love you, enjoy the bothersome questions of your peers, enjoy the company you have now, for you will regret not savoring it once they disappear."

     The Raven looked at the Crow's friends. Dozens upon dozens of friends. It was an envious amount. They followed the Crow in a straight line, not breaking sight of the leader. Whatever the Crow did, they followed. Whatever the Crow told them to do, they did so. Then the Raven looked back at their friends. Only one followed them, a single friend. The Raven's friend followed them, but not in a straight line. It flew all around, in circles, in loops, in zigzags. It flew all around with the freedom to do so.

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