Bank hesit

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Quick a/n
I got really excited when I saw Damiar and Caleb together!!!! Soo this in for the gang I've included Kai, Cap, Aviva, Eric, Noen.

I wanna give credit to @i_will_yeet_you

For giving me the idea for the chapter!! Thank you!!


Damiar P.O.V

We were all inside our room, spread out among the space.

Planning yet another heist.

"Did we need anything else?" Aviva asked the room. Caleb, Kai and Cap Stop mutter and looked at her, silently thinking,

"No" Caleb mumbled.

They went back to their maps and papers they had spread out on the table. Quietly devising a plan.

She smiled nodding her head, "Good" she pulled the sleeves of my hoodie she was wearing over her hands.

I was sitting on the counter on the bench in the kitchen. I was ready.

Wearing a button up shirt with my leather jacket. I also had my boots and black jeans. Now I was just loading my gun waiting for everybody else.

"D" Caleb yell out

I hopped off the bench and wondered over to Caleb and the boys.

"Now if the motion sensor are in all these places" he points at all the places they were.

All the entrances and exits,

"And the switch is here"

Right in the middle of course. Surrounded bu motion sensor.

"How are we turning it off?" He asked.

I thought about it, I pulled out a picture of the museum we were gonna rob.

I looked mainly at the roof, I looked inside the actual rooms with the sensors,

"Blue prints" I asked,

Caleb banded the blue prints, I immediately ran my finger across the papers finding the air vents.

"Perfect" I say victoriously. "The air vents dropped right above the control panel, that's our way in"

I turned around to everyone else.

"Someone's going in the air ducts" I stared in Kai's direction.

He looked at me "are you serious?"

"Your the smallest here!" Caleb ruffles his hair a little.

Kai just glared at him, he mumbled "fine" under his breath.

Then the door clicked open Eric walked inside, "I've got the van, are we ready?" He asked.

Everyone had been dressed up in darker colours, Noen had finally walked out into the room, putting a pair of gloves on.

"I'm ready" he said.

I clapped my hands today, and clicked my fingers, "Let's go then"

Everyone then moved their way outside of the door.

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