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What are you to Aoyama

Aries: friend
They are very nice around me and sometimes make a funny attempt to speak French. They are also fabulous

Leo: Classmate
I never really spoke to them yet...

Tarus: Closest friend
Compete perfection. Fabulous.

Sagittarius: Rival
They think they can sparkle more then me. Hmp. I'll show them.

Aquarius: Classmate
I've spoken to them, just they didn't seem interested

Virgo: friend
They are just like Aries, but they don't speak the French.

Libra: Classmate
Never spoke to them.

Capricorn: Classmate
We only trained together once.

Gemini: Friend
They sparkle like me ✨

Cancer: Another close friend
Yes, another perfection

Scorpio: Classmate
Sorry, who again?

Pisces: Friend
They sit next to me and help me with things in class

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