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Who would stop you from committing suicide

All signs: Everyone

Please don't do this.. It breaks my heart how some people just give up. Like, fuck. I understand you may be sad and feeling pain, but it doesn't mean everyone hates you or you should die to escape the pain. Think about it for a second. And think carefully. There are people that love you. Your family, even thought it doesn't seem like it to you, your friends and even people you might have met online.

Sometimes, when you commit die, other people will too just to see you again. Grief makes you do foolish things. Please, remember this and Please, don't ever think your worthless and a disgrace. There will always be someone that looks up to you, whether its a child, a sibling, and adult even, or even someone online...

Please, Please, Please don't commit suicide. Depression might only be something you feel for a period of time in your life. In the future, you can be a successful and happy person.


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