Chapter 2

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It was chilly, alright. I tugged my coat closer and let out a slight shiver. Even though it was fall, it felt like a winter in Antarctica to me. I guess that's what being sensitive to cold does to you, however this was more on the drastic side.

"Aachoo!" There comes the first sneeze. "Oh god." I shouldn't have come to college today, I should've just stayed home and rested.

But my fathers excitement was enough to make me get my ass here. Today was the first day of our so called 'mission,' and he had made sure everything was perfect. I shared almost all of my classes with the Davis kid, I looked presentable, I had to be persistent with his secretive personality, and I had to smile. However I think we both missed out on my unexpected snot fest. So 4 pros and 1 con. That seemed good enough however being unwell will affect my mood, making me grumpy, impatient and unattractive. So I guess that reduces the chances of looking presentable, being persistent, and smiling constantly.

So 1 pro and 1 con. That doesn't seem good.. or even enough now does it?

Shaking these thoughts from my head, I rushed inside the uni to get some warm air. While being enveloped with it, I sighed and walked towards my first class, Accounts with Mr. Palmer. Luckily, both of us were doing the same major, Business that is. So I just had to change some of my professors to share few classes with him. I never had Mr. Palmer before so I knew I was sharing my first class with Nolan.

I took out my handkerchief and pulled my nose with it, before praying to God I didn't make a fool out of myself.

Taking one step at a time, I rushed to my class a little earlier than I usually do. I needed to know if my victim was a late comer or not. I had to seat myself next to him so if he was early, I could immediately do so, and if he was late, I had to loiter around while waiting for him to come.

I peeked inside the classroom and my breath seemed to be knocked out of my lungs. I would usually blame it on the cold but I knew that wasn't the case this time.

There was a boy, wearing a light blue jean open-jacket with a white v-neck underneath and black jeans. He looked muscled, but lean. His face had a slight stubble and his eyes were the deepest blue I had ever seen. Was this the Nolan Davis?

I hurriedly took out a picture of Nolan from my bag and looked at it closely. Yep, it was definitely him. However the picture didn't seem to do any justice to his real beauty.

"You can do this." I told myself and took a deep breath in and then out. Pushing away all my nervousness, I walked inside and pretended to look around. Apart from Nolan, there were 2 more people inside and they were just looking at me, probably wondering if I was lost or nah.

I finally shifted my gaze to Nolan who seemed too engrossed in his phone to spare a glance at me. I smoothly walked towards where he sat and took a seat next to him. That's when his gaze left the phone and locked on me. "Hi." I said with a smile, trying to ignore how deep his eyes seemed.

He just nodded his head and got back to his phone. That's it? He won't even greet me back? Or insult perhaps? I waited for a minute or so to see if he kept away his phone to say something. But of course, he didn't.

However, I already expected this kind of behavior from him.

"I'm Melissa." I told him and smiled again. He peeled his eyes from his phone and looked at me again, but this time rather than nodding, he said, "I know" and that was it. His phone was the only thing that had his attention again.

I clenched my fists in anger. Didn't he know he was being rude? The only positive outcome I got from our little chat was that he knew who I was. Even though we had never met before, he knew my name so that only meant that he knew my dad was the owner of Brown Inc. He knew we were rivals and I had no reason to talk to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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