Chapter 34

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"Hm? What should we do?" Harumin asked
"I don't know but I'm hungry" Yuzu said
"Did you really have to bring her along?" Mei asked
"We're friends! Right Harumin?" Yuzu said and wrapped an arm around Harumin
"Of course Yuzucchi" Harumin said as she smiled
"Since when did you two were this close?" Mei asked as she didn't enjoy seeing them close together
"We've been friends for a while now. We always hang out after school it is over" Harumin said
"So that's why you've been leaving me?" Mei asked as she looked at Yuzu
"What?" Yuzu asked slightly nervous
I-is she upset or what? Why is she giving me that look?
"You okay Aihara-san?" Harumin asked noticing her expression
"Yes...I'm fine" Mei said as she walked ahead of them
"Is she okay?" Harumin asked
"Hm? I don't know" Yuzu said
Is this because of the kiss? And are we really dating? I mean...I guess I did agree to be with her. Is she jealous?
"Do you want to go somewhere?" Harumin asked
"Sure" Yuzu said and smiled. Harumin and Yuzu went someplace to eat while the princess stayed behind. She turned around and clenched her fist tightly
Stupid Yuzu! She said she was going to be my girlfriend but that's not how girlfriends act! She isn't as cuddly or clingy as Taniguchi-senpai's girlfriend
Mei froze for a bit and thought for a moment when spacing out
She has a girlfriend right? Maybe I could ask her for some advice on this relationship stuff. I need to find her but she needs to hang out with those stupid princes. Hmmm...where is that vampire?
"Hey Mei!" Vix said as he waved at her
"Hm? Oh hey Vix" Mei said
"Uh...did your servant leave you? I thought she was with you" Vix said
"She was...but left me for that Taniguchi" Mei said as she gritted her teeth. Vix flinched a bit and smiled nervously
She looks it because of the girl?
"Sorry..." Mei said
"N-no worries. It's fine" Vix said
"Hm? Wait...isn't that Himeko?" Mei asked as she lifted her head up seeing Himeko walking with Sen
Wasn't she with that other girl just a while ago?
"Hi Sen!" Vix said as he waved at his brother
"Hey Himeko. What happened with you and that girl?" Mei asked
"Can you believe it?! She left me for her cousin and that Taniguchi! She said she would be right back after eating but I don't believe her. It's not fair! I am way better than that Taniguchi and her stupid cousin!" Himeko said
"Yuzu is stupid for leaving me..." Mei growled
"She left you too?" Himeko asked
" two are dating someone?" Sen asked
"'s complicated" Mei said as she blushed
"Complicated?" Vix asked
"Yuzu said that we are dating but...she isn't acting cuddly or lovingly. Hm? Is there something wrong with me?" Mei asked
"What? There is nothing wrong with you" Vix said
"Then why did they leave us?" Himeko asked
"Well...why not ask them?" Sen asked
"We're asking Mitsuko" Mei said
"We are?" Himeko asked as she looked at her surprised
"She's the only one that is in a relationship with a girl who is a vampire" Mei said
"What? She is in a relationship?" Vix asked
"But isn't she suppose to be marrying a prince?" Sen asked
"Yeah but just don't tell this to anyone else. Anyways we need to find her" Mei said
"Isn't she with a prince though?" Himeko asked
"Then we can just look for the vampire" Mei said as she looked around
"She is probably hiding somewhere since there's daylight" Himeko said
"Yes but...she could be hiding in the crowd" Mei said as she looked around
Someone with a cloak...they're usually hiding with a cloak around them
"Uhm...maybe talk to her later" Vix said
"There is no time for later. I need an answer right now...especially because Yuzu is stupid for leaving me" Mei said and started walking around to look for the princess. Suddenly she bumped into a girl
"Watch it kid" The girl said
"Get out of my way" Mei said
"What the hell did you just say?" The girl asked
"I said get the fuck out of my way" Mei growled
"Listen little prin-"
"She said get out of her way bitch. So I suggest you leave" Matsuri said
"Eh? Another kid?" The girl asked. Matsuri's eyes widen and grabbed the girl's wrist tightly
"I'm not a kid" Matsuri growled and released the girl's wrist. The girl trembled a bit and started walking away
"I-is that you?" Mei asked
"Yeah it's me you little shits. Now if you'll excuse me I have to head back" Matsuri said as she walked passed them
"U-uhm wait! We need your help!" Himeko said as she grabbed her arm
"What is it now?" Matsuri asked as she turned to look at them
"Uh...we need your help with dating a vampire" Himeko said
"Eh? What?" Matsuri asked
These little kids are dating? What the fuck?
"I-I mean I asked Shai if she would be my girlfriend and said yes but...she left me" Himeko said as she whimpered
"Why the hell are you asking me for advice?" Matsuri asked
"She's right. We need to speak with Mitsuko" Mei said
"No. She won't give you good advice" Matsuri said
"But how can we make them be with us?" Himeko asked
"Do you two seriously love them? Or are you just blaming the stupid Vampire's Poison?" Matsuri asked
"Well I thought about it for a while and...I'm not so sure. We've kissed a couple of times" Mei said as she blushed deeply and trembled a little
"Then try to make them jealous. Spend time with someone else. Vampires are quite possessive towards their partners and it seems that those two Okogis haven't bitten you yet" Matsuri sai
"Eh?! Bite us!?" Himeko exclaimed as she held her neck
"Pretty much. When a vampire loves their partner then they'll leave a mark. That mark helps the vampire sense their partner or sometimes they bite their victim to eat them" Matsuri said
"E-eat?" Himeko asked
"But I don't think you should worry about them hurting you. They're both half vampires anyways" Matsuri said
"But th-they could still hurt us" Himeko said
"Well you did say that you were in love. Do you know what you're getting into?" Matsuri asked
"But Mitsuko-senpai is dating you and you're not hurting her" Himeko said
"Because I love her back. Maybe those two Okogis just don't like you two at all. One is a spoiled brat while the other one is just a little cold heart bitch" Matsuri said and laughed
"Hey! Don't talk to them like that!" Vix said
"Shut up little boy. Anyways I better go now. Mitsuko is waiting for me to get back" Matsuri said
"Where is Mitsuko?" Mei asked
"She is just forging some armour for the two Okogis" Matsuri said
"What for?" Mei asked
"That's something I can't say. Bye bye" Matsuri said as she walked away
"A-am I a spoiled brat?" Himeko whimpered
"Don't listen to her Himeko. You're not a spoiled brat" Sen said trying to cheer her up
"Mei?" Vix asked
"We're finding Mitsuko and asking her. I think that vampire is just acting like that because she is messing around with us. Let's go Himeko" Mei said
"O-okay" Himeko said as she followed her. Meanwhile the three girls looked over at the princesses who were leaving
"Who was that girl?" Theresa asked
"She looked like the crybaby's new servant..." Isha said
"I've noticed that those two have gotten closer..." Khyra said
"You're right. They've gotten closer and I thought the little nerd was her only close friend" Theresa said
"I wonder what those kids were talking about..." Khyra said

"Ahhh! That's hot!" Nitski said
"Of course it is dumbass" Mitsuko said
"Waaah! So mean!" Nitski whimpered
"Just shut the hell up. Now where is Matsuri? She is supposed to be here by now" Mitsuko said
"Right here" Matsuri said as she hung from the roof
"It's about time you got here" Mitsuko said
"Hehe, were you worried about me?" Matsuri asked as she held out the bag
"No" Mitsuko said as she snatched the bag right out of her hand
"Eh?" Matsuri asked and whimpered
"Just kidding" Mitsuko said as she leaned in stealing a kiss from her. Matsuri blushed deeply and wrapped her arms around her from behind
"Matsuri please stand back. I need to make these" Mitsuko said as she blushed a bit. Matsuri smiled a little and kissed the back of her hand
"I know you're horny but calm down. You'll be able to give her your birthday present tonight...hopefully" Nitski said 
"Hm? Birthday present?" Mitsuko asked and turned to look at her. Matsuri jumped a bit and blushed a little hard
"U-uhm...forget it. Just finish doing that armour thing" Matsuri said as she kept blushing
"You have my present?" Mitsuko asked
"Sh-shut up. Just do the thing" Matsuri said nervously while looking away
Stupid Nitski. Why the hell did she have to fucking mention that? It's suppose to be a surprise
"Hehe Matsuri is embarrassed" Nitski giggled
"Shut the hell up Nitski" Matsuri growled
"No need to be embarrassed. I can't wait for my present" Mitsuko said and blushed a little. Matsuri blushed smiled softly
"Mitsuko-senpai!" Himeko said
"Hm? What the fuck?" Mitsuko asked
"What the hell are you bitches doing here? How did you find her?" Matsuri asked 
"We just knew where she was since you said she was forging armour" Mei said
"Why are you two here?" Mitsuko asked
"We need some advice on how to deal with our vampire girlfriends" Himeko said
"Eh? Since when did you two start dating those half vampires?" Mitsuko asked
"What? The little kids are also dating?" Nitski asked and pouted
"What's wrong with you?" Arch asked
"They all get girlfriends and I can't even talk to a girl" Nitski whimpered
"Anyways you came for advice?" Mitsuko asked
"Yes. We asked your girlfriend but she said that you have the worse advice" Mei said
"Huh? Is that so?" Mitsuko asked and glared at Matsuri
"D-don't look at me like that!" Matsuri said as she trembled
Wh-why does her glare turn me on?Shouldn't it terrify me?
"And we want them to love us back. Your girlfriend said to make them jealous and they'll notice is right away" Himeko said
"You could do that...but...if you want the two of you could make the first move and just claim them" Mitsuko said
"We tried that but they won't stay with us" Himeko said
"Okay's an example to claim someone" Mitsuko said and threw a sword at Matsuri
"Why am I part of this?!" Matsuri exclaimed as she trembled a bit
"Shut up and kiss me" Mitsuko said as she walked up to her
"J-just what example are you giving to the kids? They're still 14! You can't just tell them to go threaten the Okogis. Besides I bet you that one of them is going to end up running away from them..." Matsuri said
Definitely Shai would shake and tremble...
"Listen here kids! Just confess your feelings or kiss them. If they won't listen then try to win their hearts by flirting with them or giving them stuff that they like" Nitski said
"Wow...that's actually some good advice. Finally you said something useful instead of talking about kinky sex" Matsuri said
"I'm not done. After you've made them fall for you that's when you bring out some chains and tie the-"
"I take that back. Shut up!" Matsuri said and blushed as Mitsuko grabbed her pulling her body closely
"Just try and spend time with them or at least get to know them. Maybe you'll find out what they like and that could help you get closer to them" Mitsuko said
"Or just make them jealous" Matsuri said
"I guess both ideas could work" Mei said
"Do you think we should do it Meimei?" Himeko asked
"Probably since it could make them want us" Mei said
"You two are in love them?" Matsuri asked
"Is that a problem?" Mei asked
"Nope. Not at all. Just surprised that you two are actually taking this seriously. Good luck with your relationship" Matsuri said
"And if you need anymore advices then come to me first. I'll teach you very sexy things that wi-"
"No! No! Don't go to Nitski for advice! She gives much worse advice than Mitsuko" Matsuri said
"Hey! My advice wasn't so bad" Mitsuko said
"You told them to threaten them" Matsui said
"Well that's one way to claim someone" Mitsuko said
"Yes but that won't work at all. That'll just scare them away" Matsuri said
"But it worked for me" Mitsuko said
"J-just finish the work and if you finish early then we can hang out" Matsuri said pushing her away
"Okay" Mitsuko said and stole a kiss from her. Matsuri whimpered as she blushed deeply
Stop kissing me out of nowhere!
"Well thanks for the advice. We'll be leaving now" Mei said
"And don't worry. We won't tell anyone where you are" Himeko said
"Thanks and good luck with your relationship" Mitsuko
"You'll definitely need it" Matsuri said
There is no way the Okogis would date them...right?

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