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                                                                                         𝖞𝖊𝖆𝖗 𝖔𝖓𝖊


The world spun around Isabell, whirling faster and faster until everything was a blur.

And then it stopped, along with her heart.

"I am never going to get used to this," she mumbled, as Hermione grabbed her arm and dragged her onto a train.

Isabell, unlike her best friend, gaped at the train as hundreds of wizards waved goodbye to there children, sparks flying from there wands to complete the simplest tasks.

As she was pulled to one of the cabins, she didn't look up as she studied her wand.

Why wouldn't hers do that?

They came to a sudden stop, and she looked up from her wand to see that Hermione had fallen to the floor along with a boy.

The boy stood up clumsily.

"S-sorry. I was just- you haven't seen a toad, have you? I-uh... c-can't find mine," the boy spoke extremely quiet, and Isabell craned her head to here what he was saying.

She smirked. "Blimey! A toad? Hermione, this keeps on getting-"

Hermione glared at her, a look that told her to close her mouth, before speaking to the boy.

"No, but we will help you look for it," Hermione said.

"Uh, we will do no such thin-" Isabell was cut off when her Hermione slapped a hand over her mouth.

The boy looked at the two of them weirdly, and Hermione jut her free hand out.

"I'm Hermione. Hermione Granger. And the rude one is Isabell Griffins."

"N-Neville L-Longbottom," he awkwardly shook it.

Isabell swatted Hermione's hand away. "I can speak for myself, thank you very much."

Hermione turned towards her. "Yes, but it seems like you can't stop anything rude from coming out of your mouth!"

"You're one to be talking! Poor Neville is looking at us like we're crazy because of you!" Isabell shouted back.

Hermione looked at Neville, who seemed scared out of his mind before he walked away.

"T-Thanks for y-your help," he mumbled.

"Oh, whatever. Now come on, we have a toad to look for," Hermione stopped in front of the closest cabin, prepared to open it.

"I never agreed to look for it. You now how much I hate toads! They're so slimy and disgusting..." she shuddered at the thought.

Hermione glared at her.

"Fine," She gave in.

"But still, they allow toads in this school?" she asked as the squeezed down the isle.

"Stop acting so surprised! You were there when we went school shopping," Hermione replied as the doors slid open.

"There were toads?"

Hermione sighed and then leaned towards her. "Try to fit in, would you? Some wizards are not particularly fond of muggle borns, or in their case, mud bloods," she shuddered, "Don't you remember any of the things I taught you about Hogwarts?" she whispered.

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