Chapter 1 Junkyard

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I'm Rey. I'm from Jakku in an unknown region and my planet is known as a junkyard. I work for unkar plutt and give him old galactic civil war ships for quarter portion food. My folks left a long time ago and for all I know they are never coming back. I'm a scavenger I usually discover things from the time of the rebellion but personally I think it's a myth. The story of the goody two shoes Luke Skywalker the Jedi master who took on The evil galactic Sith Lord Darth Vader and turned him to the light side and defeated the empire with the help of the rebellion. You've heard the legacy before. If your from the illlenium system then that's probably all you've ever heard. But I think it's just a story to entertain small children and inspire them to be a Jedi master or whatever.

You must've been living underneath a bantha if you haven't heard of the Jedi. Basically they were the guardians of peace who used the energy flowing through them to use a power called the force which could make them move things with their mind or whatever. They also had these laser swords known as lightsabers and apparently they were all extinct after their war in the clone wars.

I don't know who I am or where I come from. My parents left me with the blobfish which is what we (secretly) call unkar plutt who's a big nerfherder at nima outpost that everyone hates yet again (secretly). All I've ever known since I was 4 years old was that my name was Rey and my people left a long time ago.

But they'll be back one day.

I gotta head back to nima outpost in a second so I will write in this after so.

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