Chapter 13

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( Ayame's POV )

Today is the day! Today is the most awaiting day for us! We need to win this battle!

I go to the bathroom to get change and go outside with Grape-chan. "Are you nervous?" Grape-chan asked. "A little.." I replied.

While walking at the hallway, I saw Rumi-san and her friends. "Konnichiwa, Rumi-san!" I said with a smile... "Oh, Konnichiwa, Ayame-chan! And goodluck for the Cake Grand Prix!" She said with a smile. "Arigatou, Rumi-san!" I said and then we continued to walk until we saw Makoto, Hanabusa-kun, Andou-kun and the Sweet Spirits. "Oh, Ayame-chan, are you ready?" Andou-kun asked and I nodded. We all walk together to our destination.

After a few minutes...

We came to the main place of the Grand Prix.. "Good Morning, Students!.. I will explain to you the rules first... The test will be conducted individually, so be sure to only get one numbered ticket per person. There will be four questions in all. Getting just one question wrong will result in a failure. Even if only one person in a group fails, the group will be disqualified in the preliminary test.." Karashima-sensei said on a microphone. 'So the first round is the Preliminary Round?' I thought while getting a numbered ticket. My number is 4.. I think it means that I'm the fourth one who will be next to the third. And Makoto is the number 3, while Hanabusa-kun is 2, and Andou-kun is 1.

After a few minutes, 'oh no, it's my turn now..' I thought as I began to walk inside of a room. And I saw a small piece of pound cake on a plate. 'Is this a part of a question?' I thought.. 'Of course it is!' I thought again while I pick it up and eat it. Well, I like it!. Then I continued to walk. I saw a room that said Butter Room and I walk inside. I saw a three different kinds of butter and it is labeled by A, B and C. 'Wait... Should I choose in which butter they used in the pound cake that I ate earlier? Well, I should choose..' I thought and began to look at it. I also saw a tray of toothpicks. I pick on and taste the A butter.. 'Hmm, it taste like... a salted butter..' I thought while chewing it. Then I go to the B butter.. 'Hmm, I think it's unsalted butter..' I thought. And when I ate the C butter.. 'Hmm, it taste fermented unsalted butter...' I thought while chewing it. 'What butter did they used?' I thought then I licked my finger where I picked the pound cake. "Ah, so the butter that they used is the C. The fermented unsalted butter!" I said then I go to the next room. It was a Sugar Room, it said.. I walk in and saw a three bowls of sugar. I walk towards it and stared at it. It was also labled as A, B and C. I tasted the A sugar and I think that it was a granulated sugar. Then, I tasted the B sugar and it was a Jouhakutou sugar. (A type of moist white sugar used mainly in japanese cooking). Then lastly, I tasted the C sugar. It was brown sugar because of the color. ' wait, I was quite sure that Andou-kun used jouhakutou for his pound cakes so that it turns out a little moist.. I think that the right answer is B' I thought but when I was about to open the B door, I remember what Makoto said to me.. He told me to use lightly sweetened granulated sugar.. So the correct answer is A!.

I walk in the door and saw that it was the Flour Room. I once again, saw a three bowls of flour and its labeled by A,B and C. The A is a bread flour, I think.. Then B is an All purpose flour and C is a cake flour. I think that Cake flour is used for sweets because it has the least gluten. So the right answer is C.

Then, when I walk out of the door...

( Andou's POV )

Me, Satsuki and Kashino are already outside of the preliminary room and we all did the correct answers. And now, we're waiting for Ayame-chan to come out.. We wish that she got the right answer. "What took her so long?" Kashino asked. "Maybe she didn't get the right answer?" Satsuki answered. "No, maybe she just taking her time to think for the correct answer.." I said and waits for her. Suddenly, we saw that the door was slowly opening, and we all saw..........





"Ayame-chan!!" We all said as we go near her and smiles. "I'm glad you did it!" I said as I smile warmly at her. "Well, it's all thanks to you, guys!" She said as she hugged us.. A group hug.. But I wish that someday, I was the only one that she's hugging... "Hey, Andou-kun. You're spacing out!" Ayame-chan said then all of them laugh. "Haha, sorry about that.." I said then, we heard the Announcer/ Teacher said something. "All students that were here is going to the next round.. The next round will be tomorrow, so please, prepare yourselves..." The teacher announced. But I still can't take my eyes off of Ayame-chan.. It's like my world is always around her.. "Andou-kun! You're always spacing out! Are you really okay?" Ayame-chan said with a chuckle, and I just nodded with a smile.

( Ayame's POV )

I'm so happy that I finally get to the next round! But, take note,... All of my smiles were fake.. And on the inside.. I was sad, angry and a little bit happy.. I was sad and angry because I still didn't forget the things that had happened... But I was a little bit happy because I get to the next round for tomorrow.

We went back to our dorm to get change. "Congratulations, Ayame-chan!" Grape-chan said with a smile. "Thanks!" I replied with a fake smile. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I said as the door opened and saw Makoto and Chocolat. "U-umm... Do you want t-to go out for a bit?" He asked with a blush on his face and look away. "Sure.. Just wait for me outside..." I said without an expression. Makoto nodded and closed the door. "Can I come?" Grape-chan asked with her puppy eyes. "I thought you, Cafe-kun, Chocolat and Caramel-chan have something to do?" I said. Then, there was a long period of silence until... "Oh yeah!!!! I FORGOT!!!!" she said as she quickly go outside to go to the spirits.

I get changed and go outside the dorm. I look around and saw Makoto, Andou-kun and Hanabusa-kun. I waved at them and they waved back. "So, where are we all going?" I asked as I walk towards them. "Hmmm, why don't we go to the amusement park?" Hanabusa-kun said. Then we just nodded our heads. The sweet spirits aren't with us because they have something important to do. "Wait, tomorrow is the next round so why don't we just practice first?" I said as I stop walking. "We already practice the other day right? And we need to celebrate that we won the first round.." Hanabusa-kun said as they also stop walking. "Don't be relief that we can win to the next round! I just need to practice first so just go without me..." I said as I go back to the academy. "Wait!" Makoto said while grabbing my wrist to stop me. "We need to relax first, and have fun.." I look at him and just nodded with a sigh.

We go to the Amusement Park and have lots of fun. Maybe I really need to relax. Then after a few minutes of having fun, we all sit on a bench. "Guys, I'm just going to buy us some snacks! Do you have some requests?" Andou-kun asked. "I like some burger with fries!" I said with a cheerful tone. "I like some sandwich..." Makoto said. "I like some cheese burger!" Hanabusa-kun said with a smile. "Okay, I'm going now!" Andou-kun said and waved at us. "Well, I think I'm going to go get some drinks.." Hanabusa-kun said and walked away. And there was a me and Makoto who is very silent. "So, do you have fun?" Makoto asked while looking at me. I nodded as a reply without looking at him. "They sure are taking their time...." Makoto said while looking at his watch. I didn't say anything. I was being quiet. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand tightly. "I know you're still sad about what happened to your mother...." Makoto said. I quickly look at him and felt a pain in my heart.. Before I realize it, I was crying silently. Then, he just hugged me to comfort me. ".......Thank you.. Makoto...." I said as he let go of me and I wiped my wet face.

After a few moments, Andou-kun and Hanabusa-kun came back with the snacks. I really have fun today.

After eating, we go near a riverbank and have some fireworks. I'm glad I have some friends like them...

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